VIP Member
Congratulations @mags and @Ghost82
- The Inghams are on holiday in Cornwall. They took the van for Chris to sleep in and have treated the Air Bnb they're staying in with the usual disrespect. The house they're staying in is pet friendly but Prinny has been abandoned with Hi Steve and Granny Groomer again.
- Sarah gave a speech on water safety when Esme and Isla waded through a shallow stream of seawater in Cornwall to get to a cave. Deep bodies of water such as lochs are absolutely fine to swim in without a lifejacket though.*
- The clock in the air bnb showed the Inghams getting out of bed to do the elves at 11:40am after supposedly waking at 10am and leaving the house at 2pm.
- Sarah splashed out on a disgusting amount of advent calendars. Cue screeching every morning and Jace screaming about a tiny piece of chocolate. Tone deaf in the current economic climate.
- Isabelle was seen looking very thin on a vlog a few days ago. Sarah said she is always chewing gum, which is something often seen in people with eating disorders.
- Sarah was seen with a possible baby bump in the reflection of the fire a couple of days ago. May just be fat though.
- Jace drew on Mila's head with a pen. She got upset in a vlog but Sarah claimed she did it herself. Next thing you know Jace was on the naughty step for "banging a cupboard", not that it was much of a punishment for him as he was allowed to fall asleep on it.
- If anyone in the family wants to book an appointment e.g. haircut, they have to run it past Chris first in case it's an inconvenience for him or they're travelling.
- Jace visibly hurt Isla when he pinched her ear in a vlog.
Hi Steve Has Chris dipped his wick again?
* I'm being sarcastic if anyone is lurking here in any doubt. Always use buoyancy aids on your children (and yourself) when in open water. Stay safe and stay alive. Oh and if you're an ifam, don't listen to any 'advice' Sarah gives you.
- The Inghams are on holiday in Cornwall. They took the van for Chris to sleep in and have treated the Air Bnb they're staying in with the usual disrespect. The house they're staying in is pet friendly but Prinny has been abandoned with Hi Steve and Granny Groomer again.
- Sarah gave a speech on water safety when Esme and Isla waded through a shallow stream of seawater in Cornwall to get to a cave. Deep bodies of water such as lochs are absolutely fine to swim in without a lifejacket though.*
- The clock in the air bnb showed the Inghams getting out of bed to do the elves at 11:40am after supposedly waking at 10am and leaving the house at 2pm.
- Sarah splashed out on a disgusting amount of advent calendars. Cue screeching every morning and Jace screaming about a tiny piece of chocolate. Tone deaf in the current economic climate.
- Isabelle was seen looking very thin on a vlog a few days ago. Sarah said she is always chewing gum, which is something often seen in people with eating disorders.
- Sarah was seen with a possible baby bump in the reflection of the fire a couple of days ago. May just be fat though.
- Jace drew on Mila's head with a pen. She got upset in a vlog but Sarah claimed she did it herself. Next thing you know Jace was on the naughty step for "banging a cupboard", not that it was much of a punishment for him as he was allowed to fall asleep on it.
- If anyone in the family wants to book an appointment e.g. haircut, they have to run it past Chris first in case it's an inconvenience for him or they're travelling.
- Jace visibly hurt Isla when he pinched her ear in a vlog.
Hi Steve Has Chris dipped his wick again?
* I'm being sarcastic if anyone is lurking here in any doubt. Always use buoyancy aids on your children (and yourself) when in open water. Stay safe and stay alive. Oh and if you're an ifam, don't listen to any 'advice' Sarah gives you.