VIP Member
Congratulations @Lady Lindy for naming the thread, @Just Grift Wood thank you for nominating the thread title.
Chatty Member
Monday at 2:37 AM
The comment page is afire. Are the Fleuries known to remove them? Here's an interesting exchange:
4 hours ago
I wish Stephanie wouldn't talk down to Philip and respond to everything he says with correction and derisive laughter. I enjoy the projects and admire you both for your skill and hard work - But Stephanie, have a diamond in that man.
2 hours ago
Not a diamond in that man , not a diamond in her engagement ring. He’s so gross , Machiavellian and controlling. S and P - A Couple of vacuous grifters. Shame they’re polluting this chateau.
Last edited: Monday at 2:53 AM
VIP Member
Sunday at 6:03 PM
Just saw this in my copy of Paris Match.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy and Isabelle Atwood of South Africa, announce the engagement of her daughter, Stephanny Elush to Philip “the Ponce” Janssen. The nuptials will be held in the ruins of Shat-Oh de LaLande promptly at wine o’clock on Monday, the Twelfth of Never. Gifts may be addressed care of Patreon. Cash is accepted as are all bank cards. Isabelle reminds invitees that pawsalaine is not a form of legal tender.
VIP Member
Monday at 9:50 AM
Lady Lindy
Chatty Member
Monday at 10:06 AM
VIP Member
Monday at 12:20 PM
Whoever Caroline Gooder is, IT is so deserving of a punch in the face. Equally deserving is Snorts. That bleeping title alone pissed me off before I even began the speed watch. Reunited with Ziggy, pity that pretentious prick doesn't show that much of excitement and concern for his own dog that he wanted SO badly. I bet he's hoping it runs away because Mummy didn't by him the sort of dog he wanted.
I bleeping hate them and all they stand for. The hangers on don't fair much better in my books either.
a brief off topic
Our run of tit news just continues here 2022, 2023 and now 2024. Mr Spratt's cousin (like another brother to him) who was only 59, has just died from cancer, having only received the diagnosis in January this year.
I hope all these grifters get their just desserts.
VIP Member
Sunday at 7:56 PM
Last edited: Sunday at 8:04 PM
Lady Avonlea
VIP Member
Wednesday at 6:34 PM
As always, thank you all for contributing.
Remember we have a wiki
Happy Tattling.
Chatty Member
Monday at 2:37 AM
Gertie, it's up to 21 now!Gertrude Maud said:
3 hours ago
You are too modest Anna. Stephanie and Philip could learn so much from you in terms of how to present with understated elegance.
I posted this and apparently there are a viewers brave enough to agree . . . 18 at last count.
The comment page is afire. Are the Fleuries known to remove them? Here's an interesting exchange:
4 hours ago
I wish Stephanie wouldn't talk down to Philip and respond to everything he says with correction and derisive laughter. I enjoy the projects and admire you both for your skill and hard work - But Stephanie, have a diamond in that man.
2 hours ago
Not a diamond in that man , not a diamond in her engagement ring. He’s so gross , Machiavellian and controlling. S and P - A Couple of vacuous grifters. Shame they’re polluting this chateau.
Last edited: Monday at 2:53 AM
VIP Member
Sunday at 6:03 PM
Just saw this in my copy of Paris Match.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy and Isabelle Atwood of South Africa, announce the engagement of her daughter, Stephanny Elush to Philip “the Ponce” Janssen. The nuptials will be held in the ruins of Shat-Oh de LaLande promptly at wine o’clock on Monday, the Twelfth of Never. Gifts may be addressed care of Patreon. Cash is accepted as are all bank cards. Isabelle reminds invitees that pawsalaine is not a form of legal tender.
VIP Member
Monday at 9:50 AM
The fact that “Caroline Gooder” can write this with a “straight” face is nauseating. Philip’s “role” is interior decorator. What a joke. How can some kid from the Netherlands who was a boy band singer and “actor” possibly know anything about good taste and interior design for a French “chateau?” When he and Fanny “marry” will he even seek her approval to make decisions anymore? The whole thing is a complete joke.graciemckitten said:
43 minutes ago
Stephanie stated years ago that one of Philip's roles was to be the Chateau's interior decorator. It is up to Stephanie to decide if she takes his advice or not. My sister had to be in sweat pants and sleep in the car unless she was driving due to car sickness. To each their own
Lady Lindy
Chatty Member
Monday at 10:06 AM
Hilarious that every course of Anna's lovely dinner contained butter, cheese or yogurt for dairy allergic SnortsJust Grift Wood said:
26 minutes ago
I love you guys and your wonderful chateau and work eethic. However I can't stand the lazy grifters Stephanie and Phillip since their buy a star scam. They spent the money donated by grieving fans on themselves and expensive flights, hotels, clothes and antiques. Disgusting
VIP Member
Monday at 12:20 PM
I think that goes for most of us and it can't come quick enough.On Repeat said:
It's a delicious joke though. Between the two of them, they are racing to the end. The more duck ups, the more serious results of their actions (or non-action) i.e deaths, taking from vulnerable people and lying about the spending, animal neglect, friend neglect, then the quicker the shits will fall.
I don't care if the pile collapses, I don't care that Stephanie Jarvis looks haggard and old and the village idiot boyfriend is a loser, I do care about the people she has shat over for the sake of money. It won't end well for her.
Whoever Caroline Gooder is, IT is so deserving of a punch in the face. Equally deserving is Snorts. That bleeping title alone pissed me off before I even began the speed watch. Reunited with Ziggy, pity that pretentious prick doesn't show that much of excitement and concern for his own dog that he wanted SO badly. I bet he's hoping it runs away because Mummy didn't by him the sort of dog he wanted.
I bleeping hate them and all they stand for. The hangers on don't fair much better in my books either.
a brief off topic
Our run of tit news just continues here 2022, 2023 and now 2024. Mr Spratt's cousin (like another brother to him) who was only 59, has just died from cancer, having only received the diagnosis in January this year.
I hope all these grifters get their just desserts.
VIP Member
Sunday at 7:56 PM
When did they have time to visit?Jeeves said:
So disappointed see this. I really hoped that they had seen the light and were keeping the Lelande grifters at arms length.
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Last edited: Sunday at 8:04 PM
Lady Avonlea
VIP Member
Wednesday at 6:34 PM
It's been 3 months since Christmas and based on their travel schedule, I fully understand why Fanny & Snorty required their much-needed visit to the Fleuries and felt so refreshed from their mini-break. Poor Leftalot.CocktailGirl said:
So, Fanny is still making pointed remarks about how long it takes her to edit, trying to make all the grannies feel sorry for her having to stay up until the early hours slaving away on her computer. She has been doing this 'job' for years now. She is the one doing most of the filming and all of the editing. Why has she not got any better at it? She seems to have learnt nothing. If she filmed more carefully (and didn't have so much to hide in the background of her shots: orange fencing, mold, new cars, secret visitors etc.) she would not have to spend so much time with the edit.
It would really worry me if I had practiced something for years and never got any better at it. People would be telling me 'don't give up the day job dear'. But that's part of the problem I think - these accidental youtubers now consider that they have a full time job. Yes, I know it brings in money, but their attitude to it really irks me. I found this on Niki's insta where she explains that she needs to remind herself to take a 'day off' now and again. For g's sake, she has nothing but day's off. She has no job any more. She can do what she likes, when she likes. The same is true for Fanny. She really believes she is working and needs regular holidays and days out. Most of us do (or did) 5 full days work a week for our money, we had a set amount of holiday time, and all the things that Nicki and Fanny do during the day (shopping, DIY, home improvements, gardening, kids, pet care etc etc) had to be done in the evenings after work or at the weekends.
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Oh, poor Nicki, you have so much to do, you have been working so hard - you obviously need a holiday. Same for you Fanny, exhausting work all that editing isn't it? Why don't you arrange a round the world trip together. Do us all a favour though - please don't vlog it and please don't come back.
- London
- Vienna
- London
- Venice
- Paris
- South Africa
- Doha
- Paris
- London
- Amsterdam
- Brussels
- London
- Normandy
As always, thank you all for contributing.
Remember we have a wiki
Happy Tattling.