I don’t believe Anna has a genuine interest in, or love of, fashion as such. She likes clothes. She likes consuming. She likes the thrill of the new. She likes being an influencer because it massages her ego and brings in good money. She’s not got any knowledge or understanding of fashion theory/history, and I don’t think she cares. Although she sometimes speaks about quality and fabrics etc I think this is less important to her than having the latest IT thing whatever that might be at that time. She obviously has no feel or appreciation of a garment’s cut, construction and so on, or she wouldn’t be looking such a crumpled mess in ill-fitting, what is often overpriced fast fashion masquerading as quality sustainable ‘forever pieces’ (like the earlier post about Aligne covered very well). Anna is just blinded by the coolness factor and must-have status (which tends to be very fleeting even though you know, she’s not into trends), the label and the price point. She has little to no personal style, and I reckon, would struggle to use her own taste as a guide when choosing something new or putting together an outfit without having to look at another influencer (or be guided by a stylist) for reassurance, sorry inspiration, first.