You shouldn't pump before 6-8 weeks as it can less with your supply and in turn cause blockages, oversupply and mastitis. It's also not good for a breastfed baby to be given bottles and dummies before BF is well established as it can cause nipple preference, latch problems and stretch their stomachs. Some women also simply cannot express milk despite being perfectly able to breastfeed as pumps aren't as effective as a well latched baby. Plenty of women who exclusively breastfeed can only express an ounce or less.
Also the fact that she clearly, You know, just didn't want to? She is making it very clear she wishes to keep Hudson off of formula and breastfeed him so I'm not sure why her mum and Steve can't just support her making that choice for her baby.
Ste' s making out like he can't get near the baby but there's no reason he can't bath, change, wind, cuddle, massage, do tummy time, read to, sing to, skin to skin with baby, take him out in the pram or a sling for a walk whilst Amber naps etc. Not bonding with a baby just because you can't feed it is a lame excuse. Telling her he's not happy Hudson is staying with her when she's just given birth tonhim a week ago is vile - I honestly wouldn't lost it if I were her. And I don't even like the girl