Teen Mom young & pregnant #41

That comment was 15 weeks ago when they Laura and Morgan were still together
The photo is Morgans new gf that she commented on so they weren't together
It's no one's business that the kids are with her!!!

Exactly. That's why you chose to be a drama llama by spouting off in your comments. Except it's spectacularly backfired because everyone knows Saint Morgan ia actually an abusive weirdo and it feels unlikely that Laura would willingly allow that to happen.
Exactly 😆 she will have been desperate for the opportunity to tell everyone she has them full time, she's vile
laura and morgan are married and morgan is on both the birth certificate so she has same rights as laura. laura gave birth to them both
Let’s be fair though it was made clear on the show Morgan forced her into marriage once she was already pregnant so she could get those rights. Plus they got their donor on Facebook 😩🤦🏼‍♀️
none of it was done properly and screams kids having kids
The photo is Morgans new gf that she commented on so they weren't together

Exactly 😆 she will have been desperate for the opportunity to tell everyone she has them full time, she's vile

I think Morgan’s new gf was friends with Morgan and Laura before they got together. They broke up mid November I think?