This is the main issue with vapes, they’re pretty colours and flavours so appeal to young people who don’t even smoke, and those people treat them as toys. They’re so fucking harmful to an adults lungs let alone a toddlers. These idiots are not treating them the way they would treat cigarettes because they’re cute and colourful, I have seen plenty of children using them from their parents whilst their parents wet themselves
but when their kid is in hospital with pneumonia or needing lung transplants they’ll be all “woe is me, how did this happen” fucking kids having kids.
Ellie is a chavvy idiot who has a child the same way you’d have a doll, she doesn’t care for his safety or how he’s brought up as long as his friends think he’s a laugh. The swearing is vile if my son stuck his middle finger up he’d gets bollocking but her and Luke will think it’s the funniest thing until he gets bigger and gets more vile and they can no longer control him (her ikea video showed she has no control already and he is not disciplined) then she’ll be claiming ADHD or autism when it’s a lack of parenting
Just in addition to the vape thing why are people calling around their kids
you wouldn’t smoke a fag in their face why a vape people really need to think of what that actually is it’s the same if not worse than a fag and they’re using it like it’s fucking sweets in front of kids