This is so accurateI don't really get what their is to kiss arse about Mia for she ain't nothing to aspire to be. She is so shallow, its all looks, men drinking, friends, good times, oh and then her daughter as an after thought. If people actually read through these threads and see how lax (at best) her parenting of that poor child is then the "negativity" is kinda justified.
I'm pretty indifferent to Cholesbury, she's Meh to me. She edits her photos and is a spoilt princess but no one can say Marley until a priority.
I'm not keen on Megan, she thinks she's a bad batch and makes questionable choices at times but again I think she genuinely (at least tries) to put her kids first.
I love Amber, the girls house isn't all that and I've picked on her kids scruffy shoes before but she so obviously tries to make real fun memories fir her kids that they will treasure forever. She pours her time and soul into motherhood. I think she struggles with it at times but she's real and honest about it, she doesn't pretend to always get it right and live a perfect life.
Those are just my opinions though and I don't expect everyone to agree with me, I also don't tell others they're wrong for their opinions that don't match mine.