SW Target Kathryn

Everything she says is some sort of brag 🙄 Trying to prove something or make people jealous, but no one of sound mind would be jealous of such a total train wreck!
She’s gotta be such a lonely sad woman! That’s all i can assume! Most people with money don’t brag about what they’ve got / brought / had stolen etc where she wants you to know she’s got money like she’s got a point to prove!
I’d say she’s got issues and deffo need some support as she’s clearly living in a bloody dream world and not the real world 🤣 Miami is rough as she deffo got too drunk probs pissed someone off and therefore got attacked! And IF she had bruises she would be the type to show them off 🙄
Just letting everyone know she has that much money in her bank 🙄

I just don’t believe a word that comes out of her mouth
She’s desperately lonely and sad and reaching out for attention imo
If I’d been spiked mugged and beaten up I very much doubt that I’d be posting that tit to Instagram - I’d still be in absolute shock
She’s gotta be such a lonely sad woman! That’s all i can assume! Most people with money don’t brag about what they’ve got / brought / had stolen etc where she wants you to know she’s got money like she’s got a point to prove!
I’d say she’s got issues and deffo need some support as she’s clearly living in a bloody dream world and not the real world 🤣 Miami is rough as she deffo got too drunk probs pissed someone off and therefore got attacked! And IF she had bruises she would be the type to show them off 🙄

I agree. I wouldn’t believe anything she says. I think it’s all totally fabricated. If she’s genuinely loaded why oh why did she cut corners and get those terrible Turkey teeth? Surely someone with money would pay for quality dental work!
After years of working in the mental health sector, I found it’s the ones who shout about their wealth and brag about it, are the ones in the most amount of debt. I’ve seen young couples in hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of debt below the age of 25. It used to shock me, it doesn’t now.
In case you didn’t know before she has a separate pool house which she had to point out as had so many messages about how messy it was - course you did 🙄
Going home to the Uk , then might go to boot camp for a week, then off to South Africa, then off for surgery and back to the Cayman Islands - ffs love slow down and engage brain before making life changing decisions with huge ramifications
As for being such a lucky girl, I beg to differ
Sure having a pair of loubs and a designer bag can be nice, but only after you’re happy in yourself and genuinely enjoying the life you lead
I’m not so sure you are lucky in either of those things 🥲