Black and white pic with the caption ‘It’s ok not to be ok x’, a classicHow long before she is on with her camera at an unflattering angle, compo face & tale of woe about how just because she makes it look perfect doesn’t mean it is and she needs to break the stigma on PND. I want to be generous & say 7 days
@Get off my chestNow now @Havinagawk .
No need for that.
Pot. Kettle . Black.
Enjoy your evening... thanks for your feedback x
I like Robin,its not as if we arnt familiar with it being used for a male...(Robin Hood,Robin Williams etc).
Think its nicer on a male tbh...I thought he was the image of Aaron when I first saw him but on second glance I saw Dean...fine buster of a child the fried eggs and brunches were good to him
I didn’t like it at first and was thinking about how young boys are in school and would worry my child would be teased but you’ve actually changed my mind. It is quite lovely, loved robin williamsI like Robin,its not as if we arnt familiar with it being used for a male...(Robin Hood,Robin Williams etc).
Think its nicer on a male tbh...I thought he was the image of Aaron when I first saw him but on second glance I saw Dean...fine buster of a child the fried eggs and brunches were good to him