thoughts after tonights ep (first time commenting this series)
i think molly and mitch just have their wires crossed - everyone wrongly assumed she was closed off so he acted like that was true. the lads expressed an interest in her first so she's just hearing them out. all it did was confirm her decision and worked in his favour. he was acting a bit entitled though and can't really be making false promises by assuming his perfect woman won't walk through the door tomorrow
sammy is giving me the ick, being way too forward
jess seems jealous - preferred mitchel to george out of the ogs, then zach chose catherine and now likes molly as well, and sammy who's her type likes her too. idk was just something about the way she spoke to mitch felt like she was trying to manipulate the situation into disrespect territory when all that came of it was clearer boundaries
ella and tyrique are fine? can't fully warm to him though, seems like a bit of a player and agreed that he was being overly flirty with jess at first. feel like ella is the type to tell him some home truths if he fucks up though
zach and catherine felt stronger after one day than they do after five which is weird. wish catherine had more screentime as i do rlly like her
ruchee and andre are quiet but interacting out of a couple so clearly something there. hope they get shown more but could be collateral damage of the edit if there's a vote to save faves
love whitney, says it as it is but isn't mean with it. first impression of mehdi was just 'gay or european?' tbh but he seems genuine too, again not a ton of screentime but think they suit each other for now at least.
bye bye george - hope those everything-ist tweets don't hit you on the way out xx