Honestly, the fact that Will fans are still slagging Fleur in her own mentions and in the BBC posts she's tagged in makes me furious. The Strictly insta posts about the final 4 couples and the dance choices are dumpster fires of rage, often from people with #bekind in their bios. (I slag off eg Mardy here but have never made negative comments about him or any contestant on insta or Twitter because why bring that negativity out into the world where they'll see it, and ultimately Will is fine and we've had a good laugh about him here).
Now I hope Fleur and Vito just go for it and do a showdance live sex show in a vat of spaghetti, complete with Vito in bucket hat and Fleur in AJ's showdance dress, because whatever they do people will fume, apparently!
(also I went back and rewatched their DO dance and the error is a small stumble coming out of the second, difficult, lift. You'd think she'd faceplanted and shat herself).