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I am a sucker for a good ballroom-based show dance and they're the ones I tend to remember. I loved Tom and Camilla's and Faye and Giovanni's as well. And while I thought Joe was a very average dancer, his rock-based ballroom show dance was really enjoyable.oh, i adored his showdance! i think it might be one of the best the show has ever had; i find a lot of pros think showdance and chuck everything they can at it, while the best ones are always the ones that have a solid theme and style throughout. it was gorgeous and i'm literally on my way to youtube right now to watch it again.
When it comes to show dances this year, I have a feeling that Giovanni's experience will help him and Rose. He's been in three finals and he's always done a great job of working with the outside choreographers to craft show dances that perfectly suit each of his partners, resisting the urge to chuck every style possible in there. Kai's done one show dance before on DTWS Ireland but Johannes, Nadiya and Nancy would be putting together their first ever show dance. I could particularly see Johannes being tempted to do a "everything including the kitchen sink" show dance for John which would be a shame as it never has the same impact as one with a great theme.