And thus we begin Steve's Tattle Life: Welcome All to this happy place.
didn't Steve move to Orlando without a job lined up?
(your answer is highlighted)
Steve is a 40-something year old dude who acts like a grumpy 80 year old who just had his petunias run over by the neighborhood kids on bikes. Grump^infinity and beyond. He complains about everything.
Lived in Indiana, broke up with his fiance, brags about how he basically
quit his job and moved to FL overnight, no plan - just "living under a bridge" or living out of his car. Keep in mind this guy is huge. He's like 6'4" with a belly and broad shoulders. You'd think he'd have had some kind of plan.
Meyer's and the Mouse took pity on him in and has been renting a spare room to him
for years now, since before the pandemic in 2020.
Keeps saying "When I get a house" but makes no gains toward saving up for one as he's constantly spending it on expensive forms of entertainment (golfing, movies every week, eating in Disney, purchases like a $30k DVC membership.)
He cannot stand the texture of food that isn't something your average 4 old would like. Seafood in particular, but the list of things is too long.
When Steve first started streaming and had no job he was a likable, humble guy. He hung out with Cory a lot. That's how I started watching him. Over time his true self started coming out and he'd fight Cory on so many subjects. Viewers were laughing at him, but he mistook it for laughing with him. His ego grew 1000x and so did his attitude. Now days no one can hold a conversation near the dude without him starting an argument.