I was wondering what the hell the other parents thought when she turned up at the school yesterday clad in the obligatory fleece and looking, and I quote, like she’d ‘been dragged through a hedge backwards’!
One thing’s for sure, she would have made a right old song and dance of it; let’s not forget she was doing something monumental so soon after having Opal Fruit after all, but hey, no one can say that Stacey Solomon’s not a trooper eh… oh wait…
Mum One: *whispering in the ear of the person next to her* ‘Christ on a bike, look at what the cat’s dragged in! There’s proof money can’t buy you taste if ever I’ve seen it! Mind, I thought she was friendly with that Hinch, she doesn’t look very clean does she?!’
SS: ‘Hiya babes, oooooh what am I like, just about got us all ere on time this morning, everything just takes so much longer when you have a baby! Anyways, how are you all? Sorry I’ve not been about much, I’ve barely left the house for six weeks as well, I had a baby!’
Mum One: ‘Congratulations! What’s this about you not leaving the house for six weeks though? Is everything alright, were there problems?’
SS: ‘Yes, a wonderful little baby girl after all those horrible boys! We’re fine though; what do you mean was there a problem?’
Mum Two: ‘Well y’know with you being in the house for 6 weeks and we haven’t seen you here in months! Perhaps you had a C-section or was she premature?’
SS: ‘Er, C-section, premature, well she was very small but well, nope neither of those…’
Mum One: ‘Oh right, ok, just a bit confused as why you’ve been at home for so long then; I mean, you only had a baby, it’s not like you had major surgery or it’s a disability! Georgia over there gave birth at the weekend and she’s been doing the school run all week!’
SS: ‘Erm, tee hee’
Mum Two: ‘I just think it’s good job us woman have the babies, I mean if it was down to men they’d just take to their bed for a month after giving birth, barely moving and ignoring everything else that needed doing, you know what they’re like!’
‘Is that the time, best dash, the baby needs feeding and all, ta rah!’