Sold her old unwanted designer bags to pay for a new snozzle.
Resulted in a great nose job, but she still looked cute before with her more characterful nose imo.
Also, brand new teeth with the tooth capping. Another freebie! resulted in pretty big white blocks that sort of resemble dentures...sorry.
Got angry when people asked if she got botox. implied she didn't, she is young and needs only the gua sha. Admitted to botox. Baby botox, as she is only a baby herself.
Admitted to breast implants, worth mentioning again as it was what drew so many if us here.
Topped up her lip, cheek, jaw and under eye fillers, as essential medical procedures under lockdown.
Had her fanny fluff lasered off. Another essential.
Lockdown facials, you guessed it - essential.
Went to get cov1d tested with Jimmy at Xmas, a fun day out?! reasoned that as she had already paid for the tests, for her new year's holiday. Decided to avoid the backlash to be sensible, and not fly to Bali while lecturing viewers she could have if she wanted, being exempt to travel bans due to her job as an essential worker. The public needed to see other people enjoying themselves for their mental health or some such flawed logic.
Got vaccinated early due to a mysterious non shareable heath condition, but will share about the fanny laser (?!)
Embarked on a massive shred only eating grilled vegtables and training twice a day in a desperate attempt to drop a stone, and squeeze back into size 8 clothes that didn't seen to fit even before the lockdown.
Did sponsorships with vanish for stain removal, but still has dirty sheets. So vanish doesn't work apparently?
Bought designer dog leads from gucci and LV.
Let her dog howl as she locked him in the bathroom when she wasn't sending him off to daycare.
Scored free dog food for the dog, we should buy it. (for ourselves?)
Free ugly sofa
Free dyson hoover and hair tools. Both seem to remain unused.
Free TV with hyped up painting screensaver mode.
Free 1k+ coffee machine, did the viewers want to buy the old discarded one for more than she'd get for it on ebay? And they need to travel to pick it up too.
She bought a lot of clothes, even for an influencer, had a lot of cosmetic procedures, took her dog to be groomed weekly. Clung to Jimmy like a barnacle as he left for Oz, mentioned marriage and babies a lot.
Ripped of a sex and the city podcast with her recaps of said show. Sees herself as a better looking, younger carrie based in London rather than NY.
Repeatedly asked for advice on her stories regarding her dog, his hair, his howling, living with a man, not having sex with a live in bf, bf taking his phone to the loo, skid marks, her takeaway choices, cosmetic work experiences, dealing with cat calls etc. and then chastised the plebs who foolishly offered advice that didn't cut the mustard.
Watched a lot of high brow reality TV.
Paid rent on two pricey flats for a few months, tried to get viewers to take it off her. Failed.
Sold off stuff she was throwing out to viewers for more money than it was worth, notably a clothes rail to doormat / best friend Gemma.
Revealed she doesn't have a toaster, and won't keep bread in the house. Too dangerous or something.
New glittery prada bag
New cream chanel bag
Hmmm, OK I spent enough time on this now.