Siobh needs to step back from insta. There is no consistency to any content. Yoga, baby, BJJ , new home, coffee , sleep , random gaza videos, random reels, random digs at podcasts with millions of followers. Random incoherent chatter into her phone while she awkwardly interacts with her child. Awkwardly trying to convince her followers/friends shes fine , motherhood is easy, while quiet obv shes struggling. None of it flows. She's lost in the world of insta with a long time but she's now 4 months PP and completely lost. She should be focusing on doing right by her child first, then insta. I don't know if she's cut out to do both. It's hard watching, uncomfortable almost. I think she thought motherhood was something she could habit stack, push cadhla into a routine to be superior, better then all other mother/daughter duos there ever was..the only person she's fooled once again is herself.