Dear Diary
I really don’t care about what the scales say even though the scales are a lying witch to me today because I’m happy in my skin here in my home in Bali , Wexford, Swords, Croke Park, Thailand, Portugal.
My travel was essential because my sisters birthday was coming up and I decided to email the embassy to tell them about the furnace, they thought I was calling my sister the furnace when they saw a picture of her. Anyway because I’m so kind and intelligent from all the books I’ve been highlighting so many people want to join the waiting list on the furnace each week. In my leaving cert maths (I did honours, and got 500 points) I learnt that in business , supply + demand =€€.
Now I put that formula into an excel sheet and it equals 10/10 for all furnace participants. They all say they loved the course and that they are now more mindful after the 3 months. I teach them how to enjoy food without feeling the guilt (and I am definitely not guilty over the 7763 calories pizza I had yesterday, but I did run 100km this morning in the heat), how exercise is to enjoy movement and not to run off a bad diet (but if it were, running and CrossFit for 30 minutes blacks out say, oh I don’t know a cinnamon bun for example). My brother also came to Portugal as it was essential that we were all here for my sisters birthday. I explained to the Polizia at the airport that without Mams Rocky Road, Roisins birthday would be < a birthday WITH Mams Rocky Road.
I’m thinking about going to London totally just a thought not related to what anyone else is doing or anyone else that might be over there but I AM looking for an apartment near a BJJ Gym and near my friend Fliss because she is the part time/pro rata girlfriend of Diren, and Diren is besties with James and I have a horn in my my protein shorts for James.
Some coffee thoughts before I sign off:
I haven’t researched a lot about the vaccine. But I did physics for my leaving cert and got an A so I don’t need to.
That one troll harassing and stalking me for years left over 400 thumbs down on my YouTube video. I wish them happiness.
I wish people would stop mentioning the fact that Sinead doesn’t have a degree.