


VIP Member
I love Cristine and Ben 😍

It's so refreshing seeing a youtuber with over 7 millions subs who is still so down to earth and carrying on with a real job - as well as launching her own brand.

Shes funny and I love hearing Ben more on the podcasts.

Anyone else?
I do enjoy her videos most of the time and I love that she has kept her job but I got tired of the constant troom troom videos, I think she did too and the break she had around Christmas was like a reset which obviously let her relax a bit.

I think Holo Taco is abit overpriced when you factor in postage and customs and the fact you can easily get those types of polishes in alot of places now for a fraction of the cost. I wish she had set Holo Taco up when she was a proper nail channel when Holo wasn't readily available.

I like her relationship with Ben but alot of the time I think Ben comes across as he thinks he's better than everyone and e eveyone is beneath him. I dunno.

Then they always go on about how they're not interested in the money when they clearly are. Ben more so. I don't have a problem with people wanting money but don't lie about it? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I also dislike her constant working out stories on Instagram but if it makes her happy then whatever!

I don't watch every video anymore but the ones I do watch are fun. She seems like she's grateful for everything she has but Ben comes across as like it's expected.

I often go back to her nail videos when I want to do something creative though!

I didn't mean for this to be such a negative post but just my thoughts.
Then they always go on about how they're not interested in the money when they clearly are. Ben more so. I don't have a problem with people wanting money but don't lie about it? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I don't think they go on about not being interested in money so much as saying they aren't doing it all just for money. You can be interested in money (who isn't?) but still not have that as your main motivation.
They don't seem to actually spend a lot of the money they have made really. No expensive holidays, designer clothes, cartier bracelets (lol) and whatever else influencers like to throw their new money at. Which makes me think there is truth to them not being mainly driven by money.
I don't think they go on about not being interested in money so much as saying they aren't doing it all just for money. You can be interested in money (who isn't?) but still not have that as your main motivation.
They don't seem to actually spend a lot of the money they have made really. No expensive holidays, designer clothes, cartier bracelets (lol) and whatever else influencers like to throw their new money at. Which makes me think there is truth to them not being mainly driven by money.

It just seems to me, aben especially, that he's very driven by the money. I get this from comments he's made in videos and on the podcast. Yes you can be interested in money but don't pretend you're not? And monetising all 6(?) channels, even the podcast clip one, just kinda proves to me what Im saying. They don't need the money and I don't see the needs to monetise every channel like that. I don't have a problem with earning money and I love that she still has her full time office job and donates loads as well as the college fees she's paid for subs but it just contradicts what they say in my opinion.

It also bugs me how much nail polish she wastes doing those videos for new releases. She pours so much out and honestly, it hurts me 😂😂

And I don't get why she sends pr to non nail channels, of course she'll want to send them to certain people, nail Channel or not but when she sent the collections to the likes of Shane Dawson and others that have had no interest in nail polish and doing nails, it doesn't make sense to me, especially when they shade people like SD 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's just a it tit when she's saying there's a limited number and it's so hard to make that she puts prices up but then sends it to random youtubers as pr. I know this happens with all "influencer" Merch and stuff so it's not just her but it bugs me.

I'd love to buy some of her polishes but they're pretty expensive and then the shipping and customs on top of that just puts me off. I would have thought she'd have made it easier considering she struggled with shipping and customs herself in the past.
And monetising all 6(?) channels, even the podcast clip one, just kinda proves to me what Im saying. They don't need the money and I don't see the needs to monetise every channel like that.

And I don't get why she sends pr to non nail channels [...]. It's just a it tit when she's saying there's a limited number and it's so hard to make that she puts prices up but then sends it to random youtubers as pr. I know this happens with all "influencer" Merch and stuff so it's not just her but it bugs me.

Youtube is their job and of course it makes sense for them to monetise their work - on all their channels. This idea that youtubers should just work for free because "it's their passion" or whatever is a bit weird. They put in work on all the channels and there is nothing wrong with being paid for work you do, even if you technically don't need the money. Many people work for more money than they really need. You wouldn't expect anyone with a regular job to work for free every monday because they can get by without being paid for that specific work.

And sending products to non-nail channels is as you call it PR. This is ultimately strenghtening their brand and is a part of making it possible for them to continue making products at these prices. Same goes for her "wasting" so much polish.. She is not wasting it, she is using it in their marketing efforts and they will have huge ROI's on it. Of course you are free to be annoyed by it! But as someone who works in marketing, I don't see anything wrong or weird with it.

I agree it is a little pricy and it sucks that shipping is so expensive. I am not saying Holo Taco or Cristine/Ben are perfect at all and I haven't bought anything from them myself. But I believe it is important to remember that as a viewer or consumer they do not owe us a damn thing, whether that be ad-free content or cheap products.
I didn't say they owe us anything. I also didn't say they should work for free.

I understand how PR works but I don't get why you'd send it to people that won't even use the products.

I understand why she wastes the Polish but it is a waste. When she goes on about how expensive and hard it is to find then you'd think she'd find a better way to show the products without wasting it.
I have not watch her in a while (around the time she released her own polish) just because she didn't appeal to me anymore and seemed to be catering to a younger audience which is great because she is clearly successful!

One of her tiktoks came up on my fyp and my GOD that hair has GOT TO GO. It is so grossly thin and ages her so much. I don't know why some females insist on keeping their hair long when it clearly is not a great look. Especially when you just keep it in an Amish bun everyday of your life?
I've unfollowed her everywhere. I can't stand streams (not just hers, the whole medium in general), her fawning fans and I'm no longer impressed with the Holo Taco releases. I can get more interesting polish from Polish Pickup every month if I want to.
I haven’t unfollowed but I’ve stopped watching regularly. I just dip back occasionally to see if there’s something I can be arsed with. Probs last time was the Stray play throughs! 🐱 I also watched the annual round up of sales (stats are more interesting than linear flaky holo…) and what leapt out for me was Cristine’s surprise at how well Not Milky White sold. She thought it was because people wanted it for nail art 🤭 She’d completely missed that every young person on SM and IRL was wearing plain white nails the last couple of years. Really showed how out of touch she is, which is a shame as I do like her. I’m not going to drag her her being ‘old’ (I’m 49!!) and I guess it’s because she too ridiculously busy with work, HT and all those channels to actually have time to know what the actual trends are 🫡
her her being ‘old’

See, you say this but from what I've seen recently, she's aged backwards. She acts like a child. She's a grown ass woman, she used to make fun of people that acted like that but now she's doing it?

I didn't even know she streamed games. Didn't she used to (lightly) make fun of gaming/gamers? Now she's doing it, is that just so she can get her hands in all the pies? Or has she shared an actual, genuine interest in it?

I followed her again after her dad passes because I was shocked but I unfollowed pretty quickly again because she is just insufferable. Her and Ben.

Now this nail polish collab with Safiya??? Just bugger off.
and I guess it’s because she too ridiculously busy with work, HT and all those channels to actually have time to know what the actual trends are 🫡

Also, to add, I don't keep up with trends. It's fine not to do that but surely with a nail polish company (or any kind of retail business) you'd keep up with trends to know what will sell best and what nobody is interested in? If it was my "passion" I'd be doing weekly - monthly trend searches so I'm not stocking something that won't sell and goes to waste.
@SkinkaareFan Yes, I agree about being childish… A lot of it seems for and in reaction to her stans in the chat. It makes me uncomfortable to be so beholden to them shouting at her in a sidebar. They are kids and snotty & demanding adults, right?

What I really liked about Cristine years ago was her focus and planning, and she did it all herself. I’m lost on wtf she’s doing now but if I dont pay attention, that’s my fault 👍🏼 I wondered if she’d quit the government job to go SM and HT full time and got totally wrapped up in streaming but, as I say, not kept up with stuff. I did notice she does live streams now, which are incredibly long and boring. Then a highlights version on a different channel! 😮‍💨
Wow, she really has changed. When I watched her, she could be childish, sure but as you say she was focused. She loved her day job and all this social media stuff was just a side thing. She was admirable. I have no idea if she still does the college giveaway but I loved the way she did those and promoted staying in school/doing what's best for you and not just giving it up to do YouTube or Instagram. Now she's turned into the people she made fun of and I first noticed the change around the time she got her new place/launched holo taco.

It's a shame. I got sick of all the "we're better than you" insinuations from her and Ben and then all the workout content. She was a nail person, someone following her for nail content might have watched those 50000 workout stories a day and been triggered. There's a balance, not saying she shouldn't have done them but maybe not so many and so often? I dunno.

She became someone I didn't like and that's sad to me but that's the way they all go, isn't it?
Even Cristine "I'm not like the others".
She did something with her hair!!!!!!!! Cut and colour!! A cut!!! I saw a reel on Facebook 🤭

