There may be some new readers to tattle today, after the post on Instagram by outspoken_the_podcast regarding the recent influencer junket of privileged white women, including Simone, being transported via private jet to the very expensive lodge The Eagles Nest. I noticed in the comments that some people had not heard of the donations scandal and were shocked by this news.
As someone mentioned in the comments, you can check the truthfulness of this information by doing your own research. Firstly, google ‘Simone Anderson Makaia Carr‘ and many newspaper articles discussing this will appear. Secondly, you will also find more than one article where Simone says that, in fact, she did donate, but confusion arose because she had donated in her maiden name and therefore when people searched for donations in the name ‘Simone Anderson’ no donations appeared. This is actually skulduggery of the worst kind by Simone, as Makaia Carr’s legal statement, signed by Simone’s lawyer, verifies that no donations were made by Simone until after June 2020. Simone did make some donations after June 2020, and these were the donations she was referring to in her statement, whilst also implying that she had been donating all along.
Simone has been the beneficiary of some amazing luck in regard to all this.
1. The Commerce Commission decided not to investigate the allegations. This was due to three factors, firstly, the Women’s Refuge indicated that they had received some donations (received after June 2020, when it has to be pointed out that Simone had been selling her goods and promising the proceeds to charity for over three years), secondly, the Commerce Commission has limited resources and thirdly, the evidence had all been deleted by Simone.
2. This all came to light during the Covid 2020 period when a lot of people were preoccupied with other issues.
3. The announcement of the settlement between Simone and Makaia Carr was announced on 16th December 2020 when many people are not actively engaging with the news.
4. Simone also settled before going to court with Pebbles Hooper, who, along with Makaia Carr, Simone had silenced using the Digital Harms Act. It is extremely likely that if the cases had gone to court that there would have been wide media coverage and Simone’s career would have been over. Whilst Makaia Carr, it is rumoured, is still silenced by a legal ‘gag’ order, Pebbles Hooper is not, but unfortunately, due to other circumstances, the media is not interested in what Pebbles has to say.
5. I also have to mention that Simone comes from a place of extreme privilege. She used her privilege and continues to use it to persuade people that she is innocent.