Shoestring Renovation #3 The impending poo-show of two under two!

I think it’s really strange when people share their children’s health conditions online tbh, with Dustin maybe it’s understandable that she wanted maybe stories for dealing with milk allergies but honestly even then?

my son was jaundiced and has another health problem too which has seen him in and out of hospital appointments all year long, but none of my IG followers, FB friends or anywhere else knows about it, even one of my best friends was shocked when we met up for breakfast and I told her about it when he was around 6 months 😂

I just don’t think it’s something the internet needs to know about, people hide behind saying they’re normalising it / making mums aware / making them feel better but it’s bullshit, they do it for attention and sympathy
Don't really understand why she is making such a big deal re the jaundice? Unless baby has some greater health complications it's a case of feed alot (and unfortunately breast milk isn't actually going to bring down bilirubin as fast as formula does) and get baby in the sunlight. She's a midwife she knows this? It's pretty simple to make sure baby doesn't need phototherapy (unless there is a bigger issue at play stopping baby from feeding efficiently or breaking down the bilirubin).

Just get some bloody formula in her and her levels would be coming down!
She said she gave up breastfeeding after 3 days because her nipples were in shreds or something along those lines. I would have thought as a midwife she would know that whilst it might be common, that isn’t normal or right. The latch must have been wrong if it was causing her pain. By all means feed formula if that’s what works for you and baby, but to do so because it was hurting her nipples to breastfeed means that the latch wasn’t right.
They all say this as an excuse tbh, she probably just didn’t want to breast feed, and I think that’s 100% fine, but having a “reason” stops the breast is best patrol a bit.

tit excuse to stop if that is genuinely the reason but at least that baby is fed
They all say this as an excuse tbh, she probably just didn’t want to breast feed, and I think that’s 100% fine, but having a “reason” stops the breast is best patrol a bit.

tit excuse to stop if that is genuinely the reason but at least that baby is fed
Yeah absolutely, if you don’t want to breastfeed there is nothing wrong with that but just be honest and say it!