Surprised at the negative comments about Louis Theroux but I've listened to Adam & Joe and followed Louis for decades, so it's hard for me to dislike any of them.
For what it's worth, Adam is on Louis' podcast on Spotify as recently as last month (which I forget to listen to but I'm a dedicated Ramblechat fan of Count Buckulese) - they seem cool with each other having a podcast.
Louis really shines in his early years, when he was more unknown and his guests were more on the kitsch / quirky side. Somehow that really worked. Even Adam asks, tongue-in-cheek, Why don't you do those funny documentaries any more? in a silly voice in the Spotify episode, almost as if Louis gets asked this all the time (I'm sure he does). Louis even does an impression of an impressionist who does his voice (which Adam reckons makes him sound like Kermit The Frog!).
His trademark wide-eyes-to-camera sarcasm and irony he does can get a bit cringey. As for Savile, Theroux isn't the first person to be hoodwinked by a seemingly-eccentric person (though Savile always kinda baffles me, as his aura reads more weird than lovably eccentric).
Louis' best episode is probably the Westboro Baptist Church one - the follow-up is good, too. Amazed that church is still going.