
Chatty Member
Has anyone seen this guy on their FYP just getting fucked up all the time?! When I go on TikTok he’s always on and sometimes he looks so unwell and off his face 🤯☹️
This guy does my head in. I don't know how many times I have told tiktok to not show me this live creator and yet there he is, day after day, absolutely fuckin off his nut on god knows what. He gives me the actual boke.
Has anyone seen this guy on their FYP just getting fucked up all the time?! When I go on TikTok he’s always on and sometimes he looks so unwell and off his face 🤯

Yes I see him the whole time, he seems to go on it for 24 hours plus at a time 🫤
Does he live on his own?

Just watching him now, he’s definitely off his head but he knows it gets him views. He’s said ‘do you know what I mean?’ at least 300 times 🤣
Aww Seaniboi actually makes me quite sad. I’ve seen him on live quite a few times sober and lucid and he seems like a really lovely guy.

He’s definitely getting worse with the binge drinking - he used to do it once or twice every couple of weeks which was bad enough but this is the worst he’s ever been, I think he’s been on a bender since Saturday at least. Horrible to watch!