Apparently she was getting emails and messages off someone whilst she was away, she knows its not a troll because there was info that no one else would know as it hadn't been put out there (her words) and in those messages was proof that DVP was still messaging his ex/seeing his ex
something like that. So she was distant with DVP the last couple of days of their holiday and once home she walked out without an argument and not spoken to him since. She still maintains that he's on the gear and should have gone with the test results before Xmas.
As for the GoFundMe she doesn't believe she owes anyone any money for the dress as she hasn't got it. DVP has refused to hand over any belongings and has allegedly either sold it or hes thrown it. She also said that he's not been in touch with her directly, however has spoken to her best friend and was shouting all sorts of obscenities down the phone proving again that he doesn't give a
tit about Gonzo and never did
that's all I know as her live was like watching paint dry and my kids told me to switch off as they were sick of hearing her whiney voice. I kept flicking on and off periodically but it was just regurgitated BS. I must have fallen asleep by the time anyone went in the box as I didn't see that bit. Anyways that's all I know. I'm sure someone would have screen recorded it lol