VIP Member
Thread name by @Cookie626!
This thread title is in reference to when M was in hospital and Sarah decided to do a skincare routine to "romanticise" the non-romantic situation. Her words, not ours.
Same old, same old. On with the next thread.
This thread title is in reference to when M was in hospital and Sarah decided to do a skincare routine to "romanticise" the non-romantic situation. Her words, not ours.
- Did the Curly Girl Method for a third time for all of two days.
- Insisted she has naturally curly hair despite trying and failing the CGM.
- Baited a possible CIN return and got a pap smear done after two years of avoiding it, never updated on the results.
- Released Nourish Me, a top 10 recipe ebook for A$10. Six of the recipes are free on the Sunee website or Instagram.
- Admitted to skipping lunch in a vlog. Then made a TikTok saying she NEVER skips lunch. Was called out in the comments where she admitted she still doesn't actually eat lunch.
- Announced they're ready for moneymaker #3 and will start trying later this year. Considering Sarah has complained about getting her period and not having enough "intimate" time with Kurt, it's safe to say they're already trying.
- M was admitted to hospital for
74 days with rotavirus. This saga was the height of Sarah's month and she milked the increased engagement for all it's worth. - Launched a 7 Day Project Comeback series. She abandoned the series after Day 4 because she's a busy mum and doesn't have time to finish it.
- Claimed she doesn't go social media on Sundays, despite all those times she goes on social media on Sundays.
- Admitted she got her lips filled with hyaluronic filler.
- Admitted to only working one day a week.
- Admitted to hiring a cleaner.
- Said she wished she was like her
imaginarymum friends who give their kids iPads and don't care about it, completely ignoring the fact they gave F an iPad for his 3rd birthday. - Claimed she stopped breastfeeding two weeks ago (mid July).
Same old, same old. On with the next thread.