Explanation for the title differing from the top voted suggestions:
For those just tuning in, Sezzy and her squad have returned home from a week ofbland food and overuse injuries healthy and holistic fun that was totally worth the $3,500 price tag. After such a demanding week, Sez obviously had to take to Insta to commiserate with her sissies about her stingy, puffy eyes and long list of chores. Disaster struck when a bulk of the way too real and raw stories were accidentally posted to the Sunee account Fear not, though! The undisclosed ads and her generous, totally spontaneous discount code made it onto the Sarah's Day stories for all her concerned followers.
How about just:
Sarah's Day #23: "I'm such a loser, just like you guys!"
That's the main point that both these title suggestions include, and it focuses on the most important issue, which is that she's insulted her followers who spend their money to fund her lifestyle yet again!
Last time I recall was when Scuzz and Kurt called her followers stupid when there were comments asking about why he wasn't involved in decorating the new house. There was an earlier instance of the same thing as well that was brought up on GG or the earlier threads on here, irrc.
Just my thoughts on this, but I haven't been around much, so it's your call of course.
For those just tuning in, Sezzy and her squad have returned home from a week of