Here are some of Sarah's actions/behaviors:
- Promotes and encourages disordered eating habits; shames family, friends and fans who do not eat according to her self-proclaimed 'healthy' plan.
- Restricted her diet and over-exercised during her pregnancy, risking her baby's health and shaming other mothers who didn't do the same. Evidenced by multiple posts of mothers who admitted she made them feel like failures.
- Imposes a restricted diet on her child without having been to a doctor for testing. She just assumes he's lactose and gluten intolerant.
- Plagiarizes designs from other brands, including Cotton On, Lilybod, Slinkii, The Beauty Chef, P.E. Nation.
- Held a fundraiser for the Aus bush fires, without donating her own money. Proceeded to hold on to her followers' donations for weeks, and deleted any questions asking where the money was going. Only donated the money when reported to scamwatch, and even then deducted 40k without explanation. Proceeded to cry and play victim because she was asked to transfer the money where it was rightfully due instead of trying to profit off the interest of it sitting in her account as she was attempting to.
- Every post on her page, dating back to when she lived with her parents, is an advert (Gaming app, ShaSha food co., Esmii Skin care, Blue Dinosaur, etc.). None of her ads are disclosed. This is terribly misleading to her followers who think she sincerely uses this stuff because she is real and raw.
- Has 2 incidents of homophobic behavior (when Kurt freaked out about wearing a skirt in her vlog, and when they posted the scrabble board).
- Posted a Bible verse suggesting she would be spared from covid because of her faith. Great message to send out during a global pandemic.
- Lied about having PCOS diagnosis- she never went to a gyno for it, nor did she ever get a scan or blood tests.
- Lied about healing her CIN3 through her natural cures, but actively promoted a 'program' for others in her position to follow.
- Outed Hawaiian Airlines for a delayed flight, and sent her minions to attacked them all over their social media. Continued to moan and complain until she received a Virgin Airlines treat in exchange for positive publicity. Also outed the window fitter who had no chance to defend himself.
- Claims her skin is smooth because she cured her PCOS and takes body bloom, when in reality she is getting botox and fillers.
- Shares inappropriate images of her son (bath photos, peeing on head photo, etc.) even when we have sent her information about how these pictures can be embedded onto more nefarious sites.
- Refused to self-isolate at the beginning of covid and flouted the rules daily, going for walks, the gym, coffee runs, hair salon, and picking up a surf board for Fox.
- Traveled from a hotspot during a surge in covid cases, and then proceeded to complain the entire time because she had to tolerate Kurt's "boring" family. Not for one second acknowledging that everyone in the world does not have the ability to see their loved ones for fear or infecting them.
- Went to get a facial when she admittedly was feeling congested and had a sore throat during the pandemic.
- Appropriated from BIPOC three times (Gypsy sunglasses, coloured braids, didgeridoo incidents). Then instead of learning and growing from the experience, silenced, deleted and blocked people from these groups, thus whitewashing the entire discussion by not letting their voices be heard. Then proceeded to flip the script and cry because she feels attacked and victimized *again* because people were trying to *politely* explain to her that her actions are offensive and considered appropriation.
- She has released fitness, diet and medical advice without ANY qualifications in any of those areas.
She always says she is doing research when she shares advice. But never discloses her sources. In one story she admitted to deleting them when she is done. That is not research. That is Google. And giving herself that fake science halo is a problem. It makes her sound believable and knowledgeable even though she has no back up for her claims.
- Made her dog urinate and defecate on a plastic rug on their balcony because they couldn't be bothered to walk her regularly and then proceeded to not clean said rug on a daily basis.
She is so, so harmful:
-she is stealing people's creative ideas and not giving them credit where it's due.
-she silences PoC regularly and nobody is noticing it.
-she managed to hold onto 400k of donations for almost a month when her country was burning all around her.
-she is encouraging her followers to develop disordered eating habits and exercise routines, and profiting from ebooks that will certainly lead to injury because the programs are terribly designed; all whilst she bodybuilds with any gym that will sponsor her but claim the results are from her own programs.
-she is weaponizing her stans and teaching them to actively doxx and bully anyone who questions even the slightest things. She's breeding a following that is blindly hating on others- this can have a bigger ripple effect outside of her platform (are these same kids bullying their peers at school the way they did me?).
-she gets away with being racist and homophobic in this day and age.
-she proliferates outdated gender roles and toxic masculinity.
-her followers are being taught that if they look thin/pretty enough and act snarky and entitled enough, they can have whatever they wish (including the rights to other people's intellectual property) because their personalities, morals and ethics don't matter- certainly not judging by the example Sarah is setting.
Please feel free to add to this list as much you can remember.
Hopefully this text could be added at the beginning of every thread so if someone comes looking for answers they'll find it on the first page!
Thank you to
@2xblended for the list!