I listened to the interview. JG asked her if she'd mind talking about her IG video of last year. SH said the same as she always does: it's all lies and 'conspiracy theories' and every small thing being dissected.
She's right of course about the last but it's simply not true that there are lies and conspiracy theories. I've said it here before: I've read all c 18,000 posts on the SH threads and I don't think there's been a single instance of a lie or a 'conspiracy theory'. I think, at worst, there have been a couple of instances where a couple of posters incorrectly assumed she was given something free or had been paid to promote a particular product - hardly surprising given the grey area in which she operates.
She also said, as she always does, that it's incredibly upsetting for herself and her family and friends and she doesn't understand how people can carry on doing it when they know how upsetting it is.
She said she was making a 'documentary' about it for Radio 4. This was because her way of dealing with upsetting things was to research deeply into them. Incredible! From the person who - by her own admission - has not even read the thing she complains about.
I'll call it now. The 'documentary' will be a) her own experience at length, b) a couple of interviews with other influencers who have done similar teary videos about being 'trolled' and 'bullied' on Tattle and c) an interview with a exTattler who now bitterly regrets her past conduct which was entirely motivated by jealousy.
What it will not be is any enquiry into the influencer industry, how it's designed to manipulate people, how it drives people into debt, how people feel when they realise they've been manipulated, what impact it has on a influencer to be told daily how wonderful they are by hundreds of strangers, how influencers justify being in that line of business, how ASA rules are being flaunted, how it's driven commentary and criticism underground to places such as Tattle. Etc.