New thread, not sure who suggested it but please do step forward for your applause
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Thank youGreat title. Think it was @Curio.
Oh Kirsty !
I’m in the eye cream camp, but it’s got to be the right one. I like the Chanel one which has got encapsulated things in - it’s very hydrating...
And yes, the bar is very low.
Also, I had it on very good authority that Lisa Eldridge is a very nice person - someone I know has worked with her. I was very pleased to hear that bit of news
Oh Kirsty !
I mean it’s fine to change your opinion, especially if new, genuinely game-changing products come out. But to do a complete volte-face based seemingly on nothing, or simply in order to promote more products, undermines her judgement and/or honesty.
The below was just last year - mid her ‘conversion’ to eye creams. She was previously even more vehement on GTL/SHB about their total and utter uselessness.
View attachment 90049 q
This is my first post on the Sali Hughes thread, even though she's the reason I first ended up browsing Tattle (before she accused us all of a campaign of terror)
I am so, so fed up. Years ago, I really enjoyed her columns and videos. I trusted her. She seemed to genuinely care. I was never a member of her forums, but I was an avid follower. I bought so many things on her recommendation, some were great (Parlux hairdryer) but I started to become increasingly frustrated when I would see her recommend a particular moisturiser as her favourite, uses it all the time, has done for years. I would purchase said product and then a few months later she'd be talking about a different moisturiser and still saying it was the best, her regular, etc.
I trusted her so much that when I needed something I would check what she said. Eyeliner has run out, Google "Sali Hughes eyeliner"
I feel such a fool now and it makes me sad. She's sold out, and she won't even admit it.
On a side note, I have also become increasingly frustrated with the way she behaves on Twitter. The rude, snippy comments. When she started gunning for the Labour Party because of Jeremy Corbyn, I get he wasn't everyone's cup of tea but don't damage the Labour Party in your petty games She's a horrible hypocrite, being nasty to people and then having a tantrum because we've called her dishonesty out over here.
Urgh, anyway thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It has been weighing on my mind.