I read that and all that I can hear is ‘me, me, me’
Even when she’s trying to ‘convey’ her concern for BJ it’s overwhelmingly about herself. She’s desperate for BJ to have seperation anxiety etc as she somehow thinks that it’s a reflection of her being the greatest mum ever!
If she was so concerned about being away from BJ she’d have got a job where she doesn’t leave her at her grandparents over night every week! Surely being the highly qualified, sought after ‘Vet’ that she is she’d walk into another job
Also, if she’s at a high risk during birth then surely they would’ve recommended a c section! Obviously Ron doesn’t like to take advice and likes to view child birth as a competition so she probably declined. Remember her bragging about how amazing she was during child birth
until she lost a barrel of blood of course.
still no yellow bikini post
Also, who uses the term ‘multiples’ for a second baby? She’s such a drama queen. I’ve got two children and have never referred to them as having multiple children