VIP Member
No thread suggestion, so using this as one of the highest rated comments from @ahtisyourself and amended it slightly!
Pure shite for the level of her notions.Her bedroom furniture from woodies looks like garden furniture
The stuff looks crap the pillows and throw hurts my ocd disgrace all her money you'd think she'd donate or something greedy duckA freebie from woodies to decorate her million euro house
If you report someone do they see who has reported them or are they anonymous ???Not an af in sight on all those links she put up does rosie think she is above everyone I have reported every story she put up
It's frightening really.Please tell me someone didn’t write into that 4ark Q&A shite asking if yeh could meet Rosie , Jesus wept
Another one full of shite. God they are some brainless bunchI find it hard to believe that she waited four years to get a mole she was concerned about removed but has no bother getting fillers, Botox and hair extensions galore in that period. Just goes to show where her priorities lie. This is the same woman who has a conniption and couldn’t function for days when she thought she found a lump. There’s no way she would leave a dodgy mole for years before removing it, so she can shove it with the “I’m so relaxed haha oops” shite. She prob had it removed purely for cosmetic reasons