Crying, screaming and throwing up.
I knew that Connor would end up folding! What really infuriated me was that he’s returned to being a grafter again
. Let’s face it, he’s proving himself to be a wholly incompetent ruler meaning the grafters won’t want him up there again. The only thing he did well since his appointment as a ruler was eliminate himself to stop the prize fund dwindling even further
. Therefore, given he’s got no chance of entering the penthouse again, why is he staying on as a grafter? If he really cared that much about building up/preserving the prize fund for the eventual winner to claim, why didn’t he alter his decision quicker at the ruler’s table as opposed to allowing the prize fund to decrease by £14.000? It would just seem like a pointless exercise to me. In my opinion, Connor has come back from the brink one too many times now and I no longer have any sympathy reserved for him anymore.
So pleased the grafters got to vote to eliminate a ruler tonight. In my opinion, if they let the rulers decide whose next eliminated, it would’ve put paid to any chance of this show getting recommissioned for another series becuase it would’ve inevitably ended up with someone in Jack’s gang guaranteed to win, despite how Rossi, Jack and even Sydney have proven they aren’t fit to lead, whereas Moses is the most competent leader of them all. The only good thing as Connor being reappointed as a grafter is that he could talk up Moses and trash Jack to the other grafters which potentially influenced some of the grafters to choose who to vote to eliminate.
In my opinion, Jack needs to go and anyone who hasn’t voted him out is a huge fool. He’s the biggest threat which stands in between the way of anyone else winning the competition. As long as he and Sydney are up in that penthouse together, they’ll have the deciding vote on who comes up to the penthouse, who stays and who is eliminated. He wasn’t apologetic or remorseful for his hand in the depletion of the prize fund, unlike the other two rulers. So far he’s blundered his way through the competition, hasn’t stuck to his guns and hasn’t made any good decisions. Him being in a position of power is downright dangerous for the other grafters.
Whilst I do think Rossi is a bad leader and also needs to go, if Jack went, that means Rossi’s position in the penthouse is on far shakier ground meaning he’d be prime fodder to eliminate in the next ruler’s table vote off.
Slightly off-topic but I’ve started watching Tempting Fortune last night which is another reality show on Channel 4 and is of similar vein to Rise and Fall and even though I’ve only watched one episode, I’m already hooked so I’d recommend it to everyone else.