Riley and Amy (@RileyKayScott)



VIP Member
So let's see how many of us are captivated by Riley's roar 🦁

Actually I'm captivated by a couple of things:
* Amy homeschooling Riley but says things like "I done" so English grammar isn't her strong point
* Riley's clear speech impediment
* Riley's hook (ducks), a genuine fascination or just a way to carve out a niche for free stuff?
* The amount of fast fashion and one occasion clothes, that damn cricut machine
* The mind-blowing volume of Amazon deliveries. Is dance teaching that lucrative?

And those are just off the top of my head. Anyone else?
Ooh forgot to add my bamboozlement that Amy is happy that a radio DJ has directed god knows how many thousands of people to find and watch videos of her 5 year old.

Trained teachers are taught safeguarding, Amy is clueless.
thanks for the thread. ngl I was just being too damn lazy to make one 😂 I can't really say anything about the 'i done' because i get them wrong and went/gone and blame the fact my ex is was glasgow and used to do it all the time. But i try really hard in front of my nephew not to do that as I want him to learn proper grammar lol
the greg james think is wiiiiild
Is her husband riley's dad? Yeh the home schooling is odd. Children need to socalise and develop social skills at that age. I have watched then for a while and it's all OTT,
I don't understand the roar fascination. I’m not shocked that they are happy for a radio dj to promote them, they do a lot of ADs now.
Amy says they go to clubs every day so Riley gets lots of socialisation with other home schooled kids. But I agree, her speech isn’t the best for a wee girl of her age. It’s not her fault of course.
What the hell is the story woth the 100's visor

Her speech isn't great at all for a child of her age
What‘s that story?
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I think she's trying to keep Riley young so not addressing the speech issue, no school etc.

Riley is so rehearsed now when Amy presents her with another 'suprise.' everything is so over the top.

Kevin, the dad/husband took a year off work on parental leave when bonnie was born. She doesn't share much of him because of his job, I'm thinking maybe police or teaching?

They live in the next town over from me and it's just a bang average commuter town.
I agree, everything is all about the content now. Even making a packed lunch is content. But they have a cycle of “Amy orders expensive thing, does unboxing of it” Next video is Riley being surprised by this. Following video after that is montage of said event.
If Riley’s dad is a police officer or a teacher I would be surprised if he was happy for both his kids to be all over social media. Maybe he isn't?
Thing is, the speech issue would been picked up and acted on in school. But just because Amy had a bad experience in school she's holding Riley back.

What really bothered me was when she said in a video about why they homeschool, that it was about keeping in line with their values. I worry that there's an -ist or an -ia somewhere in those values. That it might have something to do with the teaching about inclusion.

Interesting that there's never any reference to church though so maybe I'm off the mark.
I don't know much about milestones, or how a child of a certain age should be speaking etc but do think in the past few months Riley's speech has really come on!
I don't understand the roar fascination. I’m not shocked that they are happy for a radio dj to promote them, they do a lot of ADs now.
Amy says they go to clubs every day so Riley gets lots of socialisation with other home schooled kids. But I agree, her speech isn’t the best for a wee girl of her age. It’s not her fault of course.

What‘s that story?
Sorry didn't finish my comment 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 was saying what is the storys with all the videos about the child roaring
I’ve always had the impression they want to avoid peer pressure and bullying which Is partly why they home educate. But I’ve never saw a video discussing their values and home education. I mean Amy is lucky that whilst she works, she only works at night teaching dance so she can home educate.

The Dad apparently isn’t comfortable being filmed. Which does make you wonder how much he likes his daughters being shown.
Keep coming up on my tik tok FYP. Terribly poor speech and the mum staring into the camera with her tiny teeth watching the kid react gives me the heebies.
Kids on TT shouldn't be allowed.

I have to say I hate seeing kids on tik tok. By the looks of things Amy had her own account, she also had one for Riley and the Riley account was much better than hers so she kept on Riley’s. I just don’t get it, spend time with your kids. Be in the moment. Don’t shove a camera in their face and make them make tok tok content