Remaining Hopeful #4 Remaining Dopeful!!

I really liked her to begin with, daft and silly but enjoyed following even if the work rant was over the top. I think it was when she got pregnant that I noticed a change in her, the attention seeking, constant babying herself in bed eating tit, going for scans after sex knowing well why she was going there, the start of the really big rants, etc. and she’s only got worse
Someone asked about her issues with clearblue!! She went on a rant because there ovulation sticks didn’t work properly for her, someone else might remember exactly but she never got a smiley face or never got a solid smile face!! She ended up getting some free tests from them I think 😂😂
Someone asked about her issues with clearblue!! She went on a rant because there ovulation sticks didn’t work properly for her, someone else might remember exactly but she never got a smiley face or never got a solid smile face!! She ended up getting some free tests from them I think 😂😂
Doesn't she have PCOS? Or did I dream that? Anyways, ovulation tests don't normally work properly for people with PCOS. I never got a positive one in the years we were trying....
Someone asked about her issues with clearblue!! She went on a rant because there ovulation sticks didn’t work properly for her, someone else might remember exactly but she never got a smiley face or never got a solid smile face!! She ended up getting some free tests from them I think 😂😂
Yes it was to do with testing you start on a day 10 to 15 we say and it picks up when levels get higher ye know the jazz etc, they were digital tests do have to do say day 5 6 days no break, but with her PCOS she was testing out of them days say 18 20 etc so the levels never rose or stayed the same, which is a known fact with c.b, clearblue only works if you have a normal cycle with no PCOS or hormone issued etc, they only work on certain days and not skip a day in middle either so it's digitally logged for increases if I remember correctly she tested Robbie's urine and he got same result as her, so she threatened clearblue she would sue,