TLDR Recap of the last thread:
Kristi began her career as a "relatable" beauty guru with great special effects makeup skills.
Got pregnant after 15* years of infertility and pretty much lost all interest in makeup while also having a mental breakdown due to postpartum anxiety/depression.
Now seems to be sliding headfirst into the world of being some kind of homesteader/prepper/homeschooler/crunchy mom who thinks coconut oil cures alzheimer's and she probably doesn't vaccinate her kid.
Got rid of the family dog after a deeply suspicious story about the dog suddenly "going crazy", but also bought baby chicks via airmail.
Doesn't seem to make much content anymore and is regularly buying massively expensive installations for her farm/homestead/compound but always, always has time to make easy and delicious meals with Hello Fresh of course!!!
*Number very much difficult to verify and seemed to be artificially increased to get more views.