Orlaith Donlon

Used to donate to charity anytime she was sent anything free. None of that now. Hand out like all the others. “Midwife” in her bio but hasn’t worked a day in the job since Jesus was a gasan. No need to return to work when you get paid for flogging stuff sure. Needs to take that off her bio..
Kids dressed like something from Little House And The Prairie. House always immaculate. Meals/kids lunches/snacks/drinks always top notch, freshly prepared and wholesome. Not a cheese string or happy meal in sight. Each to their own I guess. We mere mortals can but try 🙄
In my opinion, she screams of privilege.
I wonder since she stopped using the kids for content have the PR drops stopped? She was always being gifted expensive stuff ie Gathre mats, cushions etc. they are serious 💰
We’re allowed a thread on orlaith now? I definitely know way too much about this woman’s children. The idea of thousands of people knowing so much about my kids actually freaks me out so much. I Don’t get her logic of stopping sharing her kids (after having shared so much already) but then sharing very specific info about where she lives (local cafe, library, new build etc) She has a very nice life that’s for sure but I think she’s bored as much as she is boring.
I always feel her kids are so deprived of a “normal” childhood ( I know they’re not actually deprived) 🤣 But they’re not allowed be themselves in terms of clothing, toys etc it all seems so severe. In an “era” of encouraging your child to express themselves, it seems like they’re not given a chance.
The hand me downs… like I get it and I’ve 2 girls so the youngest wears the older ones old bits, but there’s a big enough gap between youngest and oldest, who wants to wear 7 year old shoes that 3 others have worn in between 🥴🙈
She seems to have lightened up a bit with the food now I think. They had ice creams today. Before she would have made them something herself
She seems to have lightened up a bit with the food now I think. They had ice creams today. Before she would have made them something herself
She would have made something herself two kids ago. She used to always make pictures from food but that was only when she had the first boy and then the girl.

I get the whole hand me down thing but they aren't short of a few bob either so...