OpenAI whistleblower found dead in San Francisco apartment

"Whistleblower found dead" seems to be an increasingly common headline. This one, from earlier this year, shocked me - worked for Boeing,to the BBC on Monday. - but when looking for that link I discovered another one I either memory-holed or didn't notice at the time -

"Whistleblower found dead" seems to be an increasingly common headline. This one, from earlier this year, shocked me - Barnett worked for Boeing,to the BBC on Monday. - but when looking for that link I discovered another one I either memory-holed or didn't notice at the time -

I was just going to post the same.

People being bumped off to silence them has always gone on but it feels like it has become much more common and blatant?
"Whistleblower found dead" seems to be an increasingly common headline
Exactly, the number of whistleblowers found dead after exposing billion dollar companies seems a bit too high to all be a coincidence.

I don't want to sound like one of those people, but the frequency it happened and quickly gets swept away is something.

Maybe this should be a general "whistleblower found dead" thread