


VIP Member
Does anyone else find this one insufferable? The incessant boasting when it’s obvious she married for money.
I loved her posts when she was living in New York. Thought she really showed interesting places to visit, greatplaces to eat that someone just visiting might not know about and loved the Trader Joes hauls. Since they’ve come back I find her less likeable. I would never offer advice to anyone online but I don’t like when she posts something & then immediately says - no advice/suggestions needed. Don’t post then - people are usually just being kind if they offer an opinion.
Wonder why she hasn't gone back to work, even part-time
Tbf she prob doesn’t need to work but not sure why kid seems to be in full time child care. She gets very defensive in those question boxes of anyone asks and says she’s a stay at home parent and that’s a job. Which yeah it is, when you have your kid every day.
Had to search for a thread on this one. How the hell does she have time to read all them books with a little child. She mustn't do anything with her when she's actually not in crèche. 'Himself' must do everything. She's forever sick also.
I actually worked with her very briefly years ago. Was such a moan then too
Had to search for a thread on this one. How the hell does she have time to read all them books with a little child. She mustn't do anything with her when she's actually not in crèche. 'Himself' must do everything. She's forever sick also.
I actually worked with her very briefly years ago. Was such a moan then too
She just lies around but is well enough to go off to hotels with himself every other week sans child
As far as I know she has something underlying medical (that's her business) and is on a career break and I'd assume her child is probably in creche for socialising.
I do like her, I find her book reviews interesting, she's not afraid to speak about a social issue. Loved her content when she was in NYC, would be interesting if she did content like that in Dublin too. They must be doing well if they've been able to buy a house in Dublin on his salary.
What do people think about her advertising products recently but 'it's not an ad'? She's at it again today with those toddler plates.

The company send her free products and she shares a discount code, but says she's not being paid to advertise so it's not an ad? I've seen her do this type of thing many times this year. Surely it is an ad, if you're getting free items and possibly payment when people use your discount code?? Surely she should be marking these stories as #ad? I'm sure she wouldn't be featuring these products if she hadn't got sent freebies.
She’s also insinuating recently she’s victim of trolls/tattle 😂😂😂

Also she keeps saying her kid is at preschool all summer. She’s not. ECCE is term time, you just can’t be arsed to mind your own child. Need to spend your husbands money instead.
She’s also insinuating recently she’s victim of trolls/tattle 😂😂😂
Oh really? I missed this. Haven't watched her too often recently. What did she say? I'm surprised she's giving out about Tattle since her thread has been dead since March! I quite like her book reviews but could do without everything else.
Oh really? I missed this. Haven't watched her too often recently. What did she say? I'm surprised she's giving out about Tattle since her thread has been dead since March! I quite like her book reviews but could do without everything else.
When she was sharing about that gobshite aoife grace moores trolled podcast that nobody is listening to. Must think it makes her sound relevant 🙄
Something about the creche pulling her up for sending her daughter in wearing a dress and how it wasn't appropriate because she was doing lots of climbing. I think her point was that she'd sent in leggings for her and also that they never say these things to her husband. Hope I've remembered correctly
I really like her insta I have to say but that rant was ridiculous. I don't think I ever sent my two girls in dresses to creche always leggings and tracksuit pants and just lighter variations in the summer, they are just more comfortable and practical for playing in.