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She’s the type of person that just always looks like they need a good scrubI still can't believe she pays for her hair to look like it does
So she's been banging on for weeks about how she's "doing Christmas on a budget", and doing her own advent thing cos she doesn't like advent calendars, and has basically said she's not organised the advent thing because she's been sooooo busy....maybe instead of doing video after video TALKING about it, she should have done it instead? And why does G have to miss out just because H&P aren't there?
I actually can't cope with these tit parents not dressing their child appropriately when going out in the freezing cold! A sleepsuit. Put a coat on the poor child, no wonder her cough sounds so awful!
Nobody expects her to put a snowsuit on the baby in the car. She walks around the shops with the baby in a sleep suit and cardigan (no blanket) whilst herself in a coat. Some shops are absolutely freezing to walk around. I’ve been shivering walking around Tesco in 4 layers. This is a tiny baby.To be fair to Hannah, it’s bloody dangerous to strap a baby/child in a car seat with a snowsuit or coat on. My 1yo goes in his car seat with indoor clothing on only and then a blanket over the straps. If we park outside a shop, I’m not fighting with him to get a coat on, I just bundle him in his blanket until we’re in the shop and then sit him in the trolley. He’s fine.
Judge the parents who don’t give a tit about their child’s safety and stick them in a crappy forward facing minimally tested car seat with a massive snow suit on.
You’d judge me the same then! What you don’t see is the long sleeved vest and warm socks on underneath the sleep suit, plus the nappy and the cardigan, all adding to the warmth.Nobody expects her to put a snowsuit on the baby in the car. She walks around the shops with the baby in a sleep suit and cardigan (no blanket) whilst herself in a coat. Some shops are absolutely freezing to walk around. I’ve been shivering walking around Tesco in 4 layers. This is a tiny baby.