Netflix - Surviving Death


Chatty Member
@PrincessCharming mentioned it in the True Ghost Stories thread.

At first I thought it was fascinating and I found it really comforting, but then when I looked into the interviewees, they're all devoutly religious so I thought there's some confirmation bias going on. I also thought the two episodes on mediums were ridiculous and it made me really quite angry. I laughed my head off when they did the "Tommy" voice.

I liked the near death experience stories and I've talked about it to my mum and dad; nurse/Dr respectively and they both have stories about things patients have said about NDEs, so that was quite interesting.

On the whole though, I thought it was really interesting and it would be nice to have a follow up or a similar series that was a bit more scientifically sound (or something).
I've really enjoyed it but the Dutch medium was such a con! Don't get me started when she is supposedly taken over by a Cockney child 🤣
The 4th episode was so emotional, I could really sense the pain of the bereaved people, particularly the parents of the young scout.
The reincarnation was fascinating.
I've really enjoyed it but the Dutch medium was such a con! Don't get me started when she is supposedly taken over by a Cockney child 🤣
The 4th episode was so emotional, I could really sense the pain of the bereaved people, particularly the parents of the young scout.
The reincarnation was fascinating.

Yeah, I think they could have left the stuff about the mediums out. It was so clearly a con and I felt really sorry for the man who came all the way from India and the medium acted like she was channeling his late father. That mansion where they had the retreat looked pretty dope though!

I liked the reincarnation stuff, too. I also liked the episode about messages from "the other side" and the stuff about birds - the story about the cardinal got to me a bit haha ❤️