Mumma and the Brood



Anyone follow?
Find her a bit of a hypocrite creating this “midweek wear and reshare” for women to post items that they’ll wear again and again to remove the Insta pressure of feeling you need to buy new clothes all the time...for her then to post changing room stories every other day showing all the new clothes she buys 🙄
Anyone follow?
Find her a bit of a hypocrite creating this “midweek wear and reshare” for women to post items that they’ll wear again and again to remove the Insta pressure of feeling you need to buy new clothes all the time...for her then to post changing room stories every other day showing all the new clothes she buys 🙄

She’s a massive contradiction and that hashtag was clearly set up to increase followers to push her over 10k. And before this it was the motherhood bible🙄 desperate Dorris if you ask me! I also recall seeing her stories one night when she’d been drinking and was actually crying talking about insta friends who she’s no longer friends with being bullies (guessing that’s thelondonmum heyitsromeca and missbettythomasandme)
I unfollowed her a while ago for similar reasons. Definitely like she’s trying so hard to keep up with the queens of the insta mum crews is always shopping for new clothes, and often never converses with her followers where she gets things etc.

She actually reminds me of life with Oaks and olives with the everything for the ‘gram lifestyle.
That hashtag boils my blood. I rewear my whole wardrobe, I mean 365 days a year I can’t buy something new for each day and surely nobody else can?

Also the most frustrating thing is her saying ‘shall I find some bits to share with you whilst shopping’. So she tries things on, takes photos, adds an affiliate link and doesn’t even buy it herself! The cheek!
That hashtag boils my blood. I rewear my whole wardrobe, I mean 365 days a year I can’t buy something new for each day and surely nobody else can?

Also the most frustrating thing is her saying ‘shall I find some bits to share with you whilst shopping’. So she tries things on, takes photos, adds an affiliate link and doesn’t even buy it herself! The cheek!

I know, doesn’t need to buy any as all her clothes are gifted from Very anyway! 🙄
I'm not a fan. Another one selling out her kids for £££.
dislike her staged insta wanky photos.
I unfollowed when she put a photo up of her oldest dressed as buzz and admitted she didnt want to put in on insta because i didnt fit her page and ruined her theme...I mean, what the actual duck. Yet she wanted praise for actually just posting the photo anyway.
I hope your son never sees what you wrote you instawanker
It’s Wednesday - it’s midweek share and REWEAR and she’s shopping and buying NEW clothes again!!! I also think the fact that people can’t even take time away from social media whilst with their family and on holiday is really sad!
I’m sure this is the same lady who claims to suffer from PND, her instagram doesn’t reflect that. I’ve never come across such a self obsessed mother. She constantly brags about how long her children nap during the day yet she forever needs “me” time. Her husband works from home, so why is she so stressed? Maybe she needs to remove herself from Instagram, that’ll free up 12hrs a day.
I’m glad someone mentioned the so called PND. She has a habit from time to time doing loads of videos fake laughing and prancing about in changing rooms but won’t post a photo on her grid to then suddenly a video story. This is where she’s a liar she says sorry been so quiet and I’m thinking wtf you’ve just been doing loads of videos fake laughing, in changing rooms, and a night out with a friend singing. Then come the very badly acted crocodile tears she can’t even do that well when she goes on and uses PND which I find absolutely disgraceful. There are women who genuinely suffer with this she’s got more of a case of keeping up with the Jones depression, IG depression.
Last one she said going through so much in my life right now but amazingly got out her flowers and crap for a quote pegboard shot. Then shortly after prancing about in another changing room. I don’t think it’s normal for a child to sleep for 3-4 hours either then be put down to sleep at 6pm my children would be up all night.
Also her youngest had his first birthday recently and it was more about her she went and got her nails done and went to the salon had her hair plaited and put up. Shouldn’t it be all about the child? Her kids look pretty miserable most of the time although I am glad the older one is showing a naughty side lately I hope they both turn into monsters because she can’t cope as it is. She needs a reality check, the so called PND is put on probably makes up symptoms to a dr to get the tablets to then lie to hubby and her mum so they flash some cash at her so she can go for some me time get her nails done facial etc... oh another thing when she used to nanny for someone and she had the cheek to keep filming inside their house to show it off that’s not right she does it outside front of peoples houses she always says where she is and when she’s out etc considering she’s been allegedly burgled before I would have thought she’d be a bit more careful clearly not. Maybe she’s hoping someone kidnaps her boys so she gets more me time. She’s a silly wannabe, has wanted to be Cara for so long. Also how ugly is her dog rank!
I’m glad someone mentioned the so called PND. She has a habit from time to time doing loads of videos fake laughing and prancing about in changing rooms but won’t post a photo on her grid to then suddenly a video story. This is where she’s a liar she says sorry been so quiet and I’m thinking wtf you’ve just been doing loads of videos fake laughing, in changing rooms, and a night out with a friend singing. Then come the very badly acted crocodile tears she can’t even do that well when she goes on and uses PND which I find absolutely disgraceful. There are women who genuinely suffer with this she’s got more of a case of keeping up with the Jones depression, IG depression.
Last one she said going through so much in my life right now but amazingly got out her flowers and crap for a quote pegboard shot. Then shortly after prancing about in another changing room. I don’t think it’s normal for a child to sleep for 3-4 hours either then be put down to sleep at 6pm my children would be up all night.
Also her youngest had his first birthday recently and it was more about her she went and got her nails done and went to the salon had her hair plaited and put up. Shouldn’t it be all about the child? Her kids look pretty miserable most of the time although I am glad the older one is showing a naughty side lately I hope they both turn into monsters because she can’t cope as it is. She needs a reality check, the so called PND is put on probably makes up symptoms to a dr to get the tablets to then lie to hubby and her mum so they flash some cash at her so she can go for some me time get her nails done facial etc... oh another thing when she used to nanny for someone and she had the cheek to keep filming inside their house to show it off that’s not right she does it outside front of peoples houses she always says where she is and when she’s out etc considering she’s been allegedly burgled before I would have thought she’d be a bit more careful clearly not. Maybe she’s hoping someone kidnaps her boys so she gets more me time. She’s a silly wannabe, has wanted to be Cara for so long. Also how ugly is her dog rank!

I thought the same about the videos showing the inside of people’s houses where she was working - totally unacceptable and disrespectful...even think some of the kids were in videos once or twice too !! She’s as false as they come, and appears quite militant with her children (as you say how many kids have large naps in the afternoon then go to bed that early on an evening?!!)
Can this self obsessed idiot take anymore photos of herself? She’s on a family holiday yet all we’ve witnessed is her smug face in photos.
She claims her son made up a quote that she just had to share, bullshit. Her son didn’t say those words, she did.
She is a desperate Instagram wannabe and and piss poor mum.
She’s loves a photo. Her fat ankles made me sick, so puffy.
I hate the fake photo set ups she does with her children, they lack personally as is it why make it any worse.
Her husband also dresses like a gay man
She’s loves a photo. Her fat ankles made me sick, so puffy.
I hate the fake photo set ups she does with her children, they lack personally as is it why make it any worse.
Her husband also dresses like a gay man
If you’re saying that about her ankles god knows what you’d say about mine. 😔
She’s loves a photo. Her fat ankles made me sick, so puffy.
I hate the fake photo set ups she does with her children, they lack personally as is it why make it any worse.
Her husband also dresses like a gay man
A little bit too personal I think, I don’t think the point of this is to pick apart people’s looks. She’s a pretty girl and fair play to her for gaining a lot of weight and losing it quickly.

Agree though the fake set up photos are cringeworthy. And the photo of her smiling into the air against a wall was vomit inducing... she definitely loves herself despite the no self confidence image she portrays :sick:
Hahaha, she really is the biggest insta wanker in the “B” section of insta mums. Every post is just full of tit. No confidence my ass.

I love all her dresses though but it’s like literally a new one every minute. Is she still a Nanny? Guess that very partnership is earning her enough to afford the non-very dresses? 🧐