
I totally agree ….. why can’t she just let her newborn be a newborn .. and feed on demand oh and hold him while she’s feeding him 🤦🏻‍♀️

yesss exactly that! She gets so defensive if anyone questions what she’s doing as well.

I do think she is doing a great job but I just wish she would enjoy him whilst he’s tiny.
she is so aggravating
so desperate for him to be in a set routine
she also sometimes comes across as incredibly smug , i remember when someone said something about breastfeeding and she instantly got on the defensive when all the person gave her was legit advice
she is so aggravating
so desperate for him to be in a set routine
she also sometimes comes across as incredibly smug , i remember when someone said something about breastfeeding and she instantly got on the defensive when all the person gave her was legit advice
So desperately wanted and now so desperately wanting to get him to be in a routine …. Those newborn snuggles go by so quickly you’d think she would be soaking them up!
just baffles me why she rarely picks him up to feed him , always in the breastfeeding pillow or whatever that is.

i completely get a routine is great etc but he is two months old , my little girl is only a week
and a bit younger and luckily she sleeps well through the night etc but i never forced that routine etc.
just baffles me why she rarely picks him up to feed him , always in the breastfeeding pillow or whatever that is.

i completely get a routine is great etc but he is two months old , my little girl is only a week
and a bit younger and luckily she sleeps well through the night etc but i never forced that routine etc.

She claims it’s because it hurts her back but she’s ok to go out and about and on fair ground rides so not sure 🙈
It's like she wants him to grow up so quickly, always pushing for him to be in the next size of clothes, in a routine, watching Disney films etc. Just enjoy him. 😟
She claims it’s because it hurts her back but she’s ok to go out and about and on fair ground rides so not sure 🙈
😂😂 my back kills but i couldn’t imagine feeding my 7 week old little girl like that each to there own and all that i suppose

It's like she wants him to grow up so quickly, always pushing for him to be in the next size of clothes, in a routine, watching Disney films etc. Just enjoy him. 😟
when he had his vaccinations and he obviously was clingy and out of his routine she was so so desperate for “the normal service to resume” like jeez just enjoy him being so small
plenty of time for him to be in a routine and grow up
It's like she wants him to grow up so quickly, always pushing for him to be in the next size of clothes, in a routine, watching Disney films etc. Just enjoy him. 😟

I have to say the whole watching Disney films things baffles me, she sets him up with the laptop right in his face. That’s really not good for his eyes at all. I understand having the tv on for them to focus on in the distance but not right in his face like that.
Surely she's not claiming that her baby is teething already? I don't understand this need to constantly push him into the next stage/next size of clothes/next development leap, just slow down and enjoy your baby after all the effort you went to to have him!

Also all the back and forth on breastfeeding/exclusively pumping/fully formula/back to try to breastfeed again.... Why so indecisive?! I get that feeding is a minefield (I have a 2 month old baby myself) but all this chopping and changing must be a lot for her and the baby.
He’s so advanced in so many areas that’s she’s also weaning him …. He’s not even 4 months old ….. she’s obsessed with rushing him to grow up and also potentially damaging his gut 😬
sorry but why does she have concerns over a nut allergy? i had my six week check and never once through the about mentioning possible allergies. she’s so so desperate for him to be independent
sorry but why does she have concerns over a nut allergy? i had my six week check and never once through the about mentioning possible allergies. she’s so so desperate for him to be independent
There is no way somebody has told her to start weaning at 3.5’months to rule out a peanut allergy that’s ridiculous…. She’s just desperate for him to grow up before his time
Wish she would just enjoy him and enjoy all the milestones seen as she desperately wanted him
There is no way somebody has told her to start weaning at 3.5’months to rule out a peanut allergy that’s ridiculous…. She’s just desperate for him to grow up before his time
Wish she would just enjoy him and enjoy all the milestones seen as she desperately wanted him

3.5 months is ridiculous to start weaning him! She is such a know it all it drives me bonkers.
she comes across as so incredibly smug.
people give her advice etc and she is so rude with her responses at times.

oh so her husband has a severe peanut allergy so do his family and that’s why a “doctor” has suggest they wean this early to rule it out.

weaning isn’t just a go as soon as they hit a certain age they themselves have to be ready and he isn’t.

she’s so desperate to force milestones on him hence the incessant need for him to sleep through and “working hard” to hold a rattle
Not even 4 months old and she's got him on purée! What on earth, his poor digestive system.
it’s absolutely ridiculous
he is being weaned early because his dad has an allergic reaction to peanuts
no medical professional has okayd that without her relentlessly hounding them i can imagine
she thinks she knows best