VIP Member
Hey guysss! Welcome back to my channulll thread recap, I hope you’re all doing well
Soyyy it’s been a literalll minute, hasn’t it you guysss ??? I’ve literallyyy ran away from my channulll and social media becuzzz I’m soyyy busy and living my #blessed life ???
Soyyy what have I been up to ??? I’ve literallyyy just been watching Love Island… GUYSSS I just don’t want to be known as the girl from Love Island becuzzz I’d still be this #blessed even if I didn’t manifest my way onto Love Island ??? Anywaysss I’ve been soyyy busy watching that on my super super old sofa that we’ve had since the flat that we murdered Mr Chai in ??? Money is just a little bit tight you guysss, cost of living crisis ??? I can relate you guysss ??? Anywaysss we still have noyyy furniture becuzzz I’m waiting for Timmy to give me a literalll paycheck ???
Anywaysss I literallyyy don’t even know how manywork trips I’ve been on since my last videyohhh ??? Soyyy soyyy #blessed you guysss. I feel soyyy soyyy lucky to have this life ??? It’s literallyyy the life I have dreamt of and manifested ??? And to have such a hard-working, ambitious boyfriend ??? I know you guysss will agree with me on that wun x He’s literallyyy moved into his own apartment in London you guysss ??? The dedication is unREALLL x Let’s get it done baby x My champ x You guysss I promise you this fight will go ahead ??? Even though Timmy is banned from America ??? We literallyyy could not have expected that to happen ??? We literallyyy have no clue why ??? We’re subsequently going to act like nothing is wrong and act like we’re still soyyy in love becuzzz I cannot have anywun thinking I’m not #blessed ???
Anywaysss I really need to set up a meeting with Fran ??? I literallyyy have to be centre of attention at all times ??? I don’t know whether or not to get Timmy to propose to me with my £200K ring that I payed for or have a baby ??? Guysss can you have babies without sleeping with your partner ??? Asking for a friend x Oh wait you guysss I literallyyy don’t have any ??? I met my Australian acquaintance the other week and, you guysss, omg, she was, *puts on an Aussie accent*, G-DAY MATE, anywaysss, she was unREALLL. I’m literallyyy going to Photoshop my pictures even more now becuzzz I cannot have people looking better than me ??? I promise you guysss that those pap photos are literallyyy not me ??? I categoricallyyy do not look like that ???
I’ve been feeling soyyy down you guysss, I’ve literallyyy not been myself. I’ve been reading my book and it’s reminded me of how deprived my chiyuldddhood wus ??? Not the wun you guysss. I just chipped the windscreen of my Range Rover ??? This is what I wus saying you guysss ??? DEPRIVED. Love that for me x
Thank you soyyy much for being here. If you haven’t already then please purchase my book, it’s literallyyy half price in Tesco ??? I literallyyy don’t know how much it is becuzzz I had no input. The Sunday Times Number WUN Bestseller x Anywaysss if you got this far then thank you soyyy soyyy much and I’ll see you in my next wun x
*blows kiss*
Oh and don’t forget to vote in the poll. Have I had a boob job ??? Nose job ??? Photoshop ??? I promise I’ll tell you guysss becuzzz I always keep it REALLL and honest on mychannulll. Okeyyy bye guysss
Soyyy it’s been a literalll minute, hasn’t it you guysss ??? I’ve literallyyy ran away from my channulll and social media becuzzz I’m soyyy busy and living my #blessed life ???
Soyyy what have I been up to ??? I’ve literallyyy just been watching Love Island… GUYSSS I just don’t want to be known as the girl from Love Island becuzzz I’d still be this #blessed even if I didn’t manifest my way onto Love Island ??? Anywaysss I’ve been soyyy busy watching that on my super super old sofa that we’ve had since the flat that we murdered Mr Chai in ??? Money is just a little bit tight you guysss, cost of living crisis ??? I can relate you guysss ??? Anywaysss we still have noyyy furniture becuzzz I’m waiting for Timmy to give me a literalll paycheck ???
Anywaysss I literallyyy don’t even know how many
Anywaysss I really need to set up a meeting with Fran ??? I literallyyy have to be centre of attention at all times ??? I don’t know whether or not to get Timmy to propose to me with my £200K ring that I payed for or have a baby ??? Guysss can you have babies without sleeping with your partner ??? Asking for a friend x Oh wait you guysss I literallyyy don’t have any ??? I met my Australian acquaintance the other week and, you guysss, omg, she was, *puts on an Aussie accent*, G-DAY MATE, anywaysss, she was unREALLL. I’m literallyyy going to Photoshop my pictures even more now becuzzz I cannot have people looking better than me ??? I promise you guysss that those pap photos are literallyyy not me ??? I categoricallyyy do not look like that ???
I’ve been feeling soyyy down you guysss, I’ve literallyyy not been myself. I’ve been reading my book and it’s reminded me of how deprived my chiyuldddhood wus ??? Not the wun you guysss. I just chipped the windscreen of my Range Rover ??? This is what I wus saying you guysss ??? DEPRIVED. Love that for me x
Thank you soyyy much for being here. If you haven’t already then please purchase my book, it’s literallyyy half price in Tesco ??? I literallyyy don’t know how much it is becuzzz I had no input. The Sunday Times Number WUN Bestseller x Anywaysss if you got this far then thank you soyyy soyyy much and I’ll see you in my next wun x
*blows kiss*
Oh and don’t forget to vote in the poll. Have I had a boob job ??? Nose job ??? Photoshop ??? I promise I’ll tell you guysss becuzzz I always keep it REALLL and honest on my
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