Let the wankpuffin commentary continue!
I can't find who suggested this (within 20 seconds) as so many did so please step forward for your praise
I think the #ad's have seriously dried up. The Emirates one was already arranged. We haven't even been treated to a Gousto #ad since the scandal broke!Gosh I actually forgot how old they are now. How long do you think he'll be able to drag this out for? I predict a #ad for a toy store coming up this weekend...unless all of brands have finally come to their senses...
I think the #ad's have seriously dried up. The Emirates one was already arranged. We haven't even been treated to a Gousto #ad since the scandal broke!
Twas you! Great suggestion.It was me!
I’ve never forgotten when they did a house party for new neighbours and they had an actual Parma ham on a gondola ham stand. What a way to impress new neighbours
Off topic, but talking about eco/inexpensive Christmases from previous thread ... I don’t usually mind theonlygirlinthehouse, or at least haven’t followed her long enough to form much opinion, but in her stories today/yesterday she described how they spend about £100 per boy and that’s about right, then in the same breath says ‘not to insult anyone who over indulges or spends a lot of money at Christmas, that they just don’t’ (I’m paraphrasing).
Ahem. £100 each kid when you have five kids? That’s meant to be an inexpensive Christmas?
I'm still otterly (get it ) that he doesn't know which twin is which.
I find FOD condescending. I'm a mother to 4 and he aggravates the tit out of me, telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing.
Where the duck does he get off?
I look back at my timehop posts from at least 5 years ago and cringe at some of the stuff I shared on fb. How I worded my statuses and reported on activities just to have something to post.
FOD seriously needs to self evaluate and think about what he posts and how it will age. I can guarantee, the posts about his chidren will not age beautifully