Update from the last thread:
More Tattlers have become aware of Greedy’s colourful past whereby her ex partner (co parent to her children) had been convicted of scamming elderly people for thousands of pounds. This all occurred whilst in a relationship with Greedy however Greedy denies any involvement in the scamming.
After starting and failing numerous diets and exercise regimes this year, as part of Greedy’s never ending and exhausting mission to convince everyone on Instagram (and herself) that she is happy with her body, she went under the knife and had her implants removed. She promptly then went away with H for yet another well deserved mini break and soaked her new surgery wound in a hot tub which resulted in a wound infection. Greedy of course claimed that the infection was so severe she was practically on deaths door, however she was never hospitalised. She took to her sofa and insisted on COMPLETE REST. Whilst H ran around making and spraying the bed under Greedy’s critial eye. Greedy was busy airing her tit all day. This soon stopped when she didn’t get the attention she so desperately craved.
greedy and H got a dog who was immediately set up with his own Instagram account. Cat content has since been at an all time low. Greedy splashed out on a variety of bespoke hand made harnesses for the puppy who has now doubled in size rendering her purchases useless. She didn’t receive the attention or freebies she desired so dog content dried up.
Greedy spent a number of weeks hinting at a BIG REVEAL trying to whip her followers in to a frenzy. The reveal was finally exposed to be that Greedy and H have bought a house. Greedy then appeared on stories to reveal what we all already knew, her old house is Council and she didn’t own it. The thousands earned from swipe ups she has spend on renovating the garden, installing fire walls etc was all for a property she didn’t even own. So we can only assume this was done to keep up appearances on the gram.
We waited with baited breath for the house tour of their new abode. Greedy pointed her finger aggressively and turned her nose up at every detail of the house, and reeled off a list of renovations she intends to complete. It seems she doesn’t actually like anything about the house except the balcony. She also attenpted to explain how the front is the back and the back is the front. The garden is reminiscent of Telly Tubby hill and completely unsuitable for young children to play. She doesn’t have off street parking at this property but thats ok, she plans to purchase the cul de sac turning circle to use for her own personal parking. Be interesting to see how that pans out.
Greedy also carelessly showed many landmarks during the tour making it extremely easy for anyone to find her address online. She also filmed neighbouring private gardens. Her neighbours must be thrilled.
Greedy became emotional on her stories talking about her rags to riches story. She wishes she could help other people who are struggling. Numerous screenshots have been shared of Greedy selling her previously gifted house items on Facebook. Shame she couldn’t gift them to those people she’s apparently desperate to help.
The sago continues.
Hope I haven’t forgotten anything