Methanol Poisoning - Laos



VIP Member
Has anyone been reading about this the past couple of days? DM reporting a British lawyer has also now passed away. Linking to the two articles I've read today. Awful, feel so sorry for their poor families. Could it just be alcohol poisoning - how does this even happen, must have been one hell of a bad batch?
Was just reading about this, it’s horrifically sad and I’m not really surprised as some of the alcohol in SEA is so dodgy. The bar tender sounds guilty to me
It’s really sad definitely.

I hope this isn’t going to sound insensitive but young adults should be more careful when drinking in a foreign country as it generally leads to heightened risks aside from poisoning (assault, kidnapping, accidents). Some may say it happens even in one’s home country, and that’s fair, but in a country where you’re not familiar with your surroundings (including language and local customs), it is very dangerous and a bit careless.