Melody Hossaini - ex Apprentice now Mum IGer

Used to but she is so preachy and really boring. And far too much exposure of her kids. She used to go on and on and on about making the most of opportunities, and not being held back and making disadvantaged circumstances work for you. Then took her kid out of state school and put him in private. It just felt very hypocritical.
Very. Especially when it’s reasonably common knowledge in their home town that the little boy is an absolute nightmare. Not at all the picture she paints.
I follow Melodi mainly for her Persian content as I like to see her recipes and the language etc, but also for her personal life aswell.

I like melody and think she’s a good person. I do think she can appear a bit smug at times, especially in relation to how she brings up the children, but I don’t think it’s meant in a snobby way - perhaps moreso she’s just unaware of how she may be perceived.

i really love her house and it’s clear that her and her husband have done father well for themselves! Personally I do wonder though whether the stories about her childhood (the kidnapping etc) are fabricated, but who knows?
I found her intriguing so followed her for a while. Then realises she has massive narcissistic traits!
She pushes her religion, background and culture on to her children and even expects her husband to speak to them in Iranian, however no mention of her husbands Sikh-Indian family or background. Surely it would be fair to teach the children both backgrounds and languages..? But noooo, not melody. It’s all about her, her career, her family and her way!
she has made Dam sure he has very little communication with his family which makes me so sad.
Also, hate how smug she is and the way she speaks has changed so much! She tries to really accentuate her vowels and it’s so obviously being put on!