Mel @mjbyrnex #2 She needs a psychologist not tiktok



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As we are at page 50 with no new thread title suggestions, I used something @MsGilmore said as a new title as it sums Mel up according to everything everyone says on here.

During thread 1, Mel has tiktok'd about her childhood, she's re filmed the tiktoks that didn't go in her favour to make them more popular, she has repeated her stories so often many know her stories word for word.
She regularly emasculates her husband and seemingly thinks it's acceptable viewing for tiktok, it is very very cringe worthy!
Thread 1 allowed everyone to get step by step lessons on how to create an echo chamber for getting daily validation.
Thread 1 also showed us how Mel's was complicit in bullying people in her comments.
We learnt how Mel says she's an open book and people can ask her anything but she looses her sh*t when anyone asks her about having children of her own.
Mel has shown the world how obsessed she is with her estranged mother by dedicating her tiktok channel to mainly her estranged mother!
She has shared she is a 1 night a week step parent by patronisingly telling others how to be a step parent by dedicating months of her tiktok to teaching others!
In thread 1 Mel continually tells her followers how wholesome her life is despite her tiktoks showing how un wholesome her wholesome life is. Very sadly her eldest stepson who posted how depressed and lonely he was as a stepchild in Mel's wholesome life.
Unfortunately a lot of people forget or don't know that Mel is a trained actress and despite her being a stranger on the internet, her followers seem to believe everything she says.
We were repeatedly told in thread 1 that Mel does what she does so that she can spread awareness and help others! I must have missed the tiktoks where she signposts survivors to organisations who can help and support them properly? I'm at a loss how updates on Mel's husband's bare back pen*s is spreading awareness and helping others!
Thread 1 followers were updated on the intimate details of Mel's sex life, sharing how all her safe space followers needed to do was get dicked and when her husband bare backs her 🤮
There was alot more that happened in thread 1, but rather than focus on the past it's time to see how enlightening thread 2 will be.
Mel has exhausted her childhood stories repeatedly, she has made sure any vulnerable followers are completely aware of what happened in her childhood and how they are not alone. I'd go so far as to say Mel's tiktok is a masterclass on allowing estranged parents to live in your head on a daily basis and how you can use tiktok in your wholesome life to exact revenge on your estranged parents for their behaviour in your childhood with 'dedicated How To' tiktoks by Mel.
Let's see how many more times she will repeat the same old stuff in thread 2 as Thread 1 was a rollercoaster on super repeat!
A wise commentator once said "Childhood trauma does not negate accountability for adult actions"


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This moaning Madam keeps coming up on my FYP I've never come across anyone so bloody miserable looking and sounding 😅🫣😳

She rants on about her mother all the time it's unbearable. Instead of letting her make you miserable through contact cut her off and obsess about her thru tiktok because that's healthy ffs😳🫣
Ding Ding round 4, and she's off, repeating the story about catching her mother having sex for the umpteenth time! (What's the problem with it, it's normal for adults to have sex you keep telling us!)

So Mel says the "obvious reason why she was over sexualised is because she was allegedly abused by her brother aged 9".

So, who's fault was it when she learned she was bisexual at 8 yrs old, when she told everyone that she regularly kissed a girl in the school toilets and got called a lesbian by other children? That was before the alleged abuse at 9?

And who's fault was it Mel enjoyed what her brother and her did together? Mel said in a previous tiktok that..
"Maybe he would have stopped if I didn't enjoy it?😳 Maybe it continued because I enjoyed it?😳 Maybe the idea of knowing it was wrong made it more exciting?" 😳

Come on Mel get your story straight! 😉

Ps, just for clarity, I've just spent 2 days, of my own time, sitting day and night with a patient who was going to die alone, who didn't have any relatives who wanted to sit with them, hence my more than usual comments aimed squarely at liars and grifters on here, because sitting with a dying person puts these liars and grifters completely into perspective!
Mel is really making herself look utterly ridiculous now! One minute she's saying it's abuse, next minute it's exciting and enjoyable. Then she says she masturbated so much she had to force herself to stop!
Any other medical professionals seeing her crazy tiktoks will be screaming at her to look up 'hormone imbalance symptoms' both in children and adults, before continuously looking to blame others for her behaviour. I guess hormone imbalance isn't as dramatic and profitable as the contradictory narrative she is pushing for £s though!
Had to laugh when an innocent follower asked a question and as usual, instead of focusing and answering what a follower has asked, Mel turns a question into a longer chat about Mel's issues and more woe is Mel 🤣

I don't think I've ever known anyone as batsh*t crazy crackers as this woman! 🤣
Got nothing against her really but just saw the hardest watch on live - someone brings up Christmas and Mel starts singing a Merry Christmas Everyone, I think expecting her husband to join in. Instead he just sits there awkwardly looking between her and the comments, and even tries to change the subject by asking her a question but she ignores it and goes on to finish the verse, sing the chorus and sing the next verse, all while he's sitting there looking desperate for her to stop. Went of for like 1 min too long, and she had 0 self awareness to realise how awkward her husband clearly felt. It might have even went on longer but I had to x out because I felt sick with second hand embarrassment - think she thought it was cute but actually it was just cringy and annoying, and this is what 96 people were tuning in to watch. Just stop with the lives when you have nothing to say/do in them, it gives of a really desperate air.
Is it me or does Mel seem happiest and in her element when she is wading through drama and crisis? She is like a magnet for drama!
She does not seem to have a pause and reflect button, just a react button!
I truly do not understand how she gets away with growing her tiktok business whilst she is supposed to be working in her real job! Her employer must be blind to the actual amount of work she completes whilst she is distracted by her tiktok and it's consequences, it's that or Mel is an excellent liar! 🤔😉
After publicly talking about her past repeatedly for years, it's amazing that for such a disturbing subject, Mel seems so giddy when talking about some stuff, it's weird. It's like she gets a dopermine hit every time she talks about her past. The narcissistic parent bingo is a prime example, she looks like she's so pleased and happy to be talking about years of alleged verbal abuse? 😳
In reality if you didn't know the actual subject she was talking about, you would think she was talking about something pleasurable and nice. 🤔
"If you don't like it you don't have to watch babe" Mel tells someone on her post today 🤣

How ironic that Mel doesn't take her own advice as she seems addicted to reading here instead of not reading here... babe! 🤣
Her smugness and arrogance knows no bounds, she is getting more and more unlikable with every post 🙄
"If you don't like it you don't have to watch babe" Mel tells someone on her post today 🤣

How ironic that Mel doesn't take her own advice as she seems addicted to reading here instead of not reading here... babe! 🤣
Her smugness and arrogance knows no bounds, she is getting more and more unlikable with every post 🙄
One rule for Mel and another for everyone else…
As if Mel would be allowed to adopt!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣
The woman hasn't got time with her tiktok addiction! More importantly, she is unstable, delusional, inappropriate and disturbingly obsessed by her past. She is completely unfit to adopt a traumatised child. Those children need stability! Unstable Mel could in no way provide stability to a traumatised child, the thought fills me with absolute fear! How would Mel help troubled children? Teach them how to hate, teach the how to live in their past, tell them talking is the answer but only allow herself to talk as she does with her followers and make the child just sit and listen to Mel 24/7. Dress them in inappropriate grotty stained clothes, feed them carb fests every night, it just doesn't bare thinking about
Thank goodness for tiktok! (Never thought I'd say that!) Her tiktok provides all of the reasons why Mel should NOT EVER be allowed to adopt or foster a child. 😳
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So the police have closed Mel’s case and advised her to stop posting personal information on social media. So she’s decided to post a tiktok rant 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣

She’s upset the police said they can’t find out who’s talking about her online. Does she really think the police have nothing better to do than read forums?!
"Stop posting so personally" the police says, Mel interprets that as the all or nothing personality she is, and says it means she has to stop posting! 🤣

This is a fine example of how Mel operates. Someone says something she doesn't like so she changes what's been said to suit her 'Mel's a victim' narrative!

Did she expect a police officer to see her explicit, invasive, offensive content and go oh well done Mel! 🤣

No intelligent person is ever going to say that about her content as her content is cringe worthy. The subjects Mel wants to talk about can easily be talked about like others do but Mel could NEVER produce content like others because Mel's SOLE AGENDA is to hurt her family over and over and tell everyone how much of a victims she is in every post.

If Mel's intention was just to talk about the issues like many others do, she wouldn't get the criticism she does, the police wouldn't tell her to stop posting "so personally" and she wouldn't be an absolute car crash laughing stock to so many that she is.

Here's a tip Mel, I'm using a completely different subject to explain... people can talk about the issues of say children with behavioural problems in school, especially if they were that child with behavioural problems in school, all of the issues that surround that child during their school life, how the child adapts, how the school adapts, how the child evolves and learns etc, WITHOUT EVER HAVING TO HUMILIATE THE CHILD, THEIR FAMILY OR THE SCHOOL 🙄 but the issue can still be thoroughly discussed and critiqued if necessary. And guess what, the issue can offer hope to others or help educate others all without annihilating specific people and coming across like an obsessed lunatic hell bent on hurting others all whilst seeking validation everyday.

Depends what your agenda is doesn't it Mel? 🤔 Most people do things in life to help others, where as the evidence form your tiktok shows clearly that you are doing what you are doing to hurt others repeatedly and to repeatedly tell the world how much of a victim you are!

Big difference from helping others!
M: Hi I’d like to report my mums photo being shared on a website and id like you to stop people talking about me.
101: How did the photo get there and what are they saying?
M: Well I publicly gave enough information for people to find it, my social media profiles were open (as were my husbands) and I put up photos myself with a small emoji covering their face, but id still like to report it. They’re also calling me names, calling me out and finding holes in my stories.
101: Ok, how does your mum feel about this? How do they know your story?
M: I haven’t spoken to her for years as I cut contact years ago, want nothing to do with her and talk about them every day online. I also act.
101: ok, we can see here there’s a report of you harassing family members.

But the police have failed her- I don’t understand this…. She’s absolutely failing to see the bigger picture here and there are mountains of actual crimes going on in the borough than an anonymous person saying her eyes are spaced out or she’s put on weight.

she doesn’t need to stop posting, she just needs to stop making it so personal and giving out so many fine details. The damage has been done in terms of her family, but you can spread awareness without shaming and throwing people under a bus.
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For years Mel has been seeking sympathy and trying to hurt her family online day after day. Also, The police have previously told her they aren't taking her case to court.

Sadly for her followers, Mel NEVER prefaces any of her content with the warning that talking in personal detail like she does online may prejudice any future court case for her follwers. Many of her viewers won't know it's not ok to do what Mel does and I truly hope non follow her lead if they want to obtain legal justice at any point in time.

As a survivor of childhood rape, when I went to the police as an adult I had to sign a disclaimer to say I would not talk about the issues before any trial online. The police asked me right at the beginning if I'd ever discussed the issue online.

If Mel was really 'all about helping other survivors' she would make it clear to them regularly (as she loves to repeat herself) that talking so personally like she does online may affect any future court cases for her followers. Any perpetrator on trial for say a historical sex crime would argue they couldn't get a fair trial if their accusor had been all over social media accusing them of allsorts before the trial.and the case could be thrown out.

It is CRUEL that Mel doesn't give 'the people she is supposed to be helping' a warning about the consequences of going into such personal details, like she does, if they ever want to take their perpetrator to court in the UK.
I maintain, Mel doesn't care about anyone but HERSELF and is only on her crusade to get sympathy, to make money and to hurt her family.
OMG 🤣🤣 What kind of person sets their camera up all around their bedroom first thing in the morning, then repeatedly jumps back into bed to pretend they've just woken up so they can film it from various angles? An Actress that's who! (Mels drama degree coming in useful 🤣)

The more fake contentless posts Mel the actress posts, the more I hope new followers see her for what she is! An actress, a drama queen and a huge attention seeker with a BIG agenda.
In just ONE week Mel talked publicly about -

Mel being Oversexualized.
Mel masturbating too much.
Narcissistic mother discussion.
Victim blaming.
Flowers & Dusty Tat, Home Edition.
Mel Fostering and Adopting. 😳🫣
Multiple Mel Performative POVs.
Police telling Mel to stop posting such personal things.

And the week ends with Mel announcing she's
Going to Write a Book
She can’t seriously have thought that the police were going to track us all down and arrest us for expressing our opinions?! They were probably making sure that she isn’t being doxxed or threatened and decided that it’s a waste of time!
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I’m all for raising awareness, but some things should be discussed in therapy first or only discussed with a professional. She has obviously decided that she wants to be a full time TikToker and is (in my eyes) selling her soul to the devil. She is sharing things that she has never dealt with and therefore can’t handle the response that she gets.
It’s also not a community if you’re the only person talking Mel. Desperate to be relevant and a TikTok bum who contributes nothing to society.
You are as ordinary as the rest of us Mel. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I’m failing to understand why she has such an issue with her brother viewing her stuff when she’s literally going to the efforts of acting out scenes of things have have happened within the family he is from! He has every right to keep track of her socials incase he’s coming up in topic of conversation amongst her and all the people watching her videos! I don’t know what gives her the right to think the police will do anything about people looking at her pages and having an opinion on her! She’s actually deluded if she thought the police were going to entertain her!

Also, I take it she won’t be coming on here anymore now then because she was only checking this to be able to send stuff to the police 🤷🏻‍♀️

I think Tina is taking the piss here, the size of that Beckham head I’m shocked she manages to keep it upright at all 😅🥴


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