
She’s got a fake Van Cleef bracelet and someone pointed out in the comments that it doesn’t look authentic and as per, she started arguing. It isn’t authentic. You can tell by the tone of the gold. It’s funny because she’s saying that her man could afford to shell out over £5k for a bracelet, but said in a video that he was in a strop because she was picking up little bits in the mall and they were broke / hanging on until payday 🤣

She’d be an idiot to pay £5k for a VCA bracelet anyway, they don’t retain their value and jewellers can make exact copies for a lot less. She’d look less of a fool for admitting it isn’t authentic.
I don’t know what it is about this wan but there’s something off 🤔 she’s giving mean girl who peaked in secondary school 💀 she certainly landed on her feet with the fella anyway, who knew pilots in the UAE got such perks

They are paid a reasonable salary and get free accommodation, medical care, school for children etc, but they are far from wealthy. By Dubai standards they are a ‘normal’ lower to middle class family. The accommodation is dated, dusty and basic amenities such as the air con constantly break - (used to live in one).
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