Mathew McKeegan

Where do we start? 🤣

Big hard man slabbers about all the PTs in the town on his social media then crawls up His wives hole if he sees any of them. Or uses knuckle dusters to put someone in hospital..

Sells all sorts to anyone and I’m not talking about his merchandise..

Rides everyone but needs viagra to ride his wife 😬
Maybe he can get it up now that she’s lost a few stone but I doubt it cause she’s still a mess..

Looks for attention online every so often posting that he was close to committing suicide - this usually happens when he ruffles someone’s feathers 🫣
mk fitness... Fit for duck all but mouthing
Started as a PT now a qualified gobshite who thinks he knows it all and knows duck all.

His wife goes through more best friends than she goes through knickers....he goes through more of his wife's "best friends" than he goes through "vitamins".
Sleazy photoshoots with a sleazy photographer.
Shagging his "best friend" who is obsessed with him and has been since they were young.
From this to that 🤣


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