Mia’s pointed comments about how much free content Mamamia produce left me a little irritated. Mamamia is a media organisation so producing media content is
literally the reason they exist. Yes, most of their content is free (and I enjoy a lot of it), but it doesn’t come without adverts/sponsored posts, which I assume is how they turn a profit which means that they continue to operate. The tour is also sponsored and tickets aren’t free. I’m sure they wouldn’t be touring if it weren’t financially beneficial for Mamamia and/or Mia, Holly and Jessie. I just don’t understand why such a big fuss has to be made and we need to be reminded about how lucky we are to receive Mamamia’s content. They are literally doing their jobs which they are PAID to do
mini rant over - but there seems to be a trend in influencers making comments like this and it really irks me. It just seems strange to me to remind people how lucky they are that you do the job you're paid to do